
Republican Israel Caucus Announces Co-Chairs

Continuing the efforts of Majority Leader Eric Cantor (VA-07) and Rep. Mike Pence (IN-06), returning co-chairs Rep. Peter Roskam (IL-06) and Rep. Leonard Lance (NJ-07) welcome Rep. Doug Lamborn (CO-05) and freshman Rep. Michael Grimm (NY-13) to the co-chairmanship of the 112th Congressional Republican Israel Caucus.  As a Congressional Member Organization (CMO), this caucus is dedicated to educating Members and staff on current events, administration policies and regional issues related to Israel. 

Rep. Peter Roskam—“The Republican Israel Caucus remains dedicated in our new Majority role to protecting the rights of the state of Israel. Our new co-chairs in the 112th Congress, Rep. Doug Lamborn (CO-05) and freshman Rep. Michael Grimm (NY-13), will provide valuable counsel and new energy to the Israel Caucus.”

Rep. Leonard Lance—“As a long-time supporter of Israel I am honored to join my colleagues Peter Roskam, Doug Lamborn and Michael Grimm as a co-chairman of the Republican Israel Caucus for the 112th CongressThe work of the Republican Israel Caucus has never been more critical.  Against the backdrop of the Egyptian unrest is concern over the future security of Israel.  It is more important than ever for Congress to stand steadfastly with our democratic ally Israel."

Rep. Doug Lamborn—“It is a great honor to be chosen as a co-chair for the Republican Israel Caucus.  As a long time supporter of the State of Israel, I look forward to working with the other co-chairs to continue to reinforce the strong relationship between our two democratic countries.”

Rep. Michael Grimm--“Israel is our closest ally in the Middle East, with whom a strong partnership is essential to the security of the region and the United States.  As we continue to build this relationship, it is important to maintain an ongoing dialogue with our Israeli friends abroad and our Jewish communities at home. I have been a long-time supporter of Israel and I am honored to have been chosen to co-chair the House Republican Israel Caucus.”

The caucus connects Members and staff with leading Middle East policy analysts to deepen their understanding of the issues Israel faces amidst the ever-changing dynamic in the Middle East.

Additionally, the caucus collaborates with policy experts, academics, the Israel and Jewish communities and Members to host events that help open the dialogue on the pertinent issues in the Middle East.  The Caucus often partners with the Democratic Israel Working Group in a bipartisan manner on Israel issues which concern people on both sides of the aisle.

Last Congress, the Republican Israel Caucus boasted over 75 Republican members.
