
Lamborn Hails Colorado Springs as Hub for Missile Defense

Today, Congressman Doug Lamborn addressed attendees of the Defense Business Initiative Luncheon, reaffirming his commitment to strong national security through missile defense. He applauded the efforts of the Armed Forces, business community, and local officials in seeing that Colorado Springs remains a missile defense hub of the greater defense community.

Lamborn addressed a group of about 170 defense industry and military personnel at an event sponsored by the National Defense Industrial Associationat the Air Force Academy.

From his speech:

"In fact, I believe Colorado Springs to be the heart of our nation’s missile defense program and infrastructure.   Our nation has entrusted our community with this critical mission – and we will not fail our countrymen...  

"Missile defense must be part of a strong offense. Americans cannot take the peace of our homeland for granted.  Around the world there are 6000 ballistic missiles, not including US, China, Russia, and NATO.  Governments can collapse, as we have seen just this past month in Tunisia and as Egypt may do.  Threats from rogue states and terror groups are real, growing and unpredictable.  They threaten regional stability, and, with the rise of ICBMs, can threaten the continental United States.  Ship-launched missiles present a clear danger to American coastlines.

"Developing the United States’ missile defense system is one of my highest priorities in Washington."

He is serving his third term on the Armed Services Committee and is a member of the Strategic Forces and Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittees.  Additionally, Lamborn is the co-founder and co-chair of the Missile Defense Caucus. 
