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The Power of Mobile Retail, Part 2

The Power of Mobile Retail, Part 2

Mobile & Apps

In my last post, The Power of Mobile Retail, Part 1, I discussed the impact mobile devices are having on the consumer’s shopping experience. So with such a mobility centered... read more

The Top Four Safety and Security Utility Tools for iPhones and Other Apple Gadgets

The Top Four Safety and Security Utility Tools for iPhones and Other Apple Gadgets

Mobile & Apps


iPhones are believed to be one of the most fascinating technological devices. They provide people with better communication and aid people in managing their personal and professional matters. Aside from... read more

The Windows Phone 8 Experience Hands-On: Does Microsoft Have a Winner?

The Windows Phone 8 Experience Hands-On: Does Microsoft Have a Winner?

Mobile & Apps

Over the past few weeks I’ve been reviewing Microsoft’s Windows 8 Strategy and shared my initial impressions of the Microsoft Surface . This week, I want to focus on the... read more

What Are Businesses Doing with Mobile?

What Are Businesses Doing with Mobile?

Mobile & Apps

In the first part of this three-part blog series, I’m going to discuss the state of the union within the mobile customer service space.  I recognize that mobile is one... read more

Why Companies Must Do Much More with their Mobile Presence

Why Companies Must Do Much More with their Mobile Presence

Mobile & Apps

I received a good amount of feedback on my last post, “WHAT Are Companies Doing with Mobile?,” and you may notice a more deliberate title for today’s blog that conveys... read more

3 iPad Apps Every Businessman Should Have

3 iPad Apps Every Businessman Should Have

Mobile & Apps


Does the workaholic in you doesn’t want to leave your office in your business because he is never happy with the amount of work done and wishes that there was... read more

Castello DaVarg KANAM5 for iPhone 5 Review

Castello DaVarg KANAM5 for iPhone 5 Review

Mobile & Apps

Check out their website at: Davarg.com... read more

3 Mobile Marketing Technologies to Watch in 2013

3 Mobile Marketing Technologies to Watch in 2013

Mobile & Apps


Mobile, mobile and mobile. If someone asked you to describe the top three digital marketing trends for next year, that might be your answer. As 2012, the year of social... read more

Nokia Lumia 920 vs. HTC 8X Review

Nokia Lumia 920 vs. HTC 8X Review

Mobile & Apps

... read more