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30 Expert Guides To Help You Succeed In Business

30 Expert Guides To Help You Succeed In Business

Digital Education

Starting a business and trying to grow it to be successful can sometimes seem impossible.  Considering that 4/5 businesses fail within the first five years, you need every advantage you... read more

How to Market on Facebook Using Paid Promotions

How to Market on Facebook Using Paid Promotions

Digital Education

After utilizing the free internal marketing features Facebook offers to business page owners and creating content that attract fans, your business becomes more transparent. Now customers can ask their questions... read more

Is Pinterest Good for Hosting Contests?

Is Pinterest Good for Hosting Contests?

Digital Education

Facebook sweepstakes and contests have taken off over the last couple of years and there have been a few forward thinking companies making the leap from Facebook to Pinterest. Unlike... read more

High-Tech in Higher Ed (Infographic)

High-Tech in Higher Ed (Infographic)

Digital Education

The world is going E, and so is college learning. From tablets such as the iPad to a widening expanse of electronic books available for purchase (and sometimes even for... read more

How to Use LinkedIn Answers for Business

How to Use LinkedIn Answers for Business

Digital Education

LinkedIn is often the ugly step child to Facebook when it comes to where many businesses focus their limited social media efforts, but it has many features that businesses can... read more

13 Ways to Improve Social Media Marketing in 2013

13 Ways to Improve Social Media Marketing in 2013

Digital Education


We’re just 1 week away from kicking off the Social Media Strategy Summit—the most comprehensive online event on social media marketing. In advance of next week’s event, I asked our... read more

How to Use Instagram for Business

How to Use Instagram for Business

Digital Education


Instagram is a photo sharing service available as an easy to download application for any Android or iOS powered device. The photos captured can be shared on Facebook, Twitter and... read more

Online Training Content: Right In Front Of Your Nose

Online Training Content: Right In Front Of Your Nose

Digital Education

“To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle.” – George Orwell George Orwell wrote that in 1946. And it’s true today. It’s one of those timeless... read more

5 Tips for Using On-Demand Video with eLearning

5 Tips for Using On-Demand Video with eLearning

Digital Education

Companies are always looking for more efficient ways to train employees, and on-demand video provides a great solution. Studies show that the retention rate for video is extremely high when... read more

edX Team Up With Pearson to Offer MOOC Students End of Class Exams

edX Team Up With Pearson to Offer MOOC Students End of Class Exams

Digital Education


I’m a massive fan of the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) that are taking the world by storm.  Around a million people have already signed up for free courses from... read more

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5 Essential Tips For Your Facebook Brand Page

5 Essential Tips For Your Facebook Brand Page

Digital Education

Establishing a business page on Facebook creates a space to nurture relationships with your customer base, but how do you get people to like your page? The following is a... read more

7 Principles of Great Customer Experiences

7 Principles of Great Customer Experiences

Digital Education

Call it delight, caring, innovation or service, some companies set themselves apart by earning the durable preference of their customers. If your view is that “life is too short for... read more

Google Analytics: Slick Tip, Advice, and Caution

Google Analytics: Slick Tip, Advice, and Caution

Digital Education

Slick Tip: Here’s a Google Analytics option that hasn’t always been there – That would be an easy, single click “previous year” comparison: This is slick because it honestly used... read more

Google Webmaster Tools Adds “Disavow Links” Tool

Google Webmaster Tools Adds “Disavow Links” Tool

Digital Education

Since the release of the Google Panda algorithm update in 2011, which can harm a site’s rankings if there are too many spammy or low quality links, webmasters have been... read more

6 Tips for Email Frequency

6 Tips for Email Frequency

Digital Education

After spending days working on copy for a client’s email campaign, I started thinking about the age old question of how much really is too much. No matter what, you... read more