American Treasures of the Library of Congress: Memory, Exhibit Object Focus

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Havana Harbor and the Island of Cuba

Havana Op't Eylant Cuba
Johannes Vingboons (1665-1670)
Havana Op't Eylant Cuba (Havana Harbor)
Gift of Henry Harrisse, 1915 (20.8)
Digital ID:

Colored pen-and-ink manuscript maps,ca. 1665
Geography & Map Division
Gift of Henry Harrisse, 1915 (20.9)
Digital ID:

This panoramic view of Havana harbor and vicinity by Johannes Vingboons emphasizes the strong fortifications protecting the city. View shows fortifications, city buildings, ships, the harbor, the nearby countryside including erroneous peaks looming over the harbor. Johannes Vingboons, a cartographer in the employ of the Dutch West India Company, produced maps for more than thirty years for use by Dutch mercantile and military shipping. Vingboons' map of the island of Cuba includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, settlements, and streams.

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