American Treasures of the Library of Congress: Memory, Exhibit Object Focus

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As To The Manner of Payment
for Jefferson's Library

Thomas Jefferson to Alexander James Dallas
Thomas Jefferson to Alexander James Dallas,
April 18, 1815
Manuscript letter
Thomas Jefferson Papers,
Manuscript Division
State Department Transfer, 1904 (9.5)

Alexander James Dallas to Thomas Jefferson
Alexander James Dallas to Thomas Jefferson,
April 28, 1815
Manuscript letter
Thomas Jefferson Papers,
Manuscript Division
State Department Transfer, 1904 (9.7)

After the British burned the United States Capitol in 1814, Thomas Jefferson offered his personal library as a replacement for the destroyed contents of the Library of Congress. Once Congress and Jefferson had agreed to a price of $23,950 based on the number and size of the books, Samuel H. Smith, Jefferson's friend and political ally, and Alexander James Dallas, secretary of the treasury, worked out the details in this exchange of letters.

Samuel H. Smith to Thomas Jefferson
Samuel H. Smith to Thomas Jefferson,
February 15, 1815
Manuscript letter
Page 2 - Page 3
Thomas Jefferson Papers,
Manuscript Division

State Department Transfer, 1904 (8.6)

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