Jason Chaffetz

Jason Chaffetz


Info about my official work for Utah’s 3rd District. Tweets come from me, not my staff. For commentary regarding political campaigns, find me on Facebook.

Utah/Washington D.C. · http://www.chaffetz.house.gov

توييت‌ها همه / بدون پاسخ

FBI took woman feeling threatened by email seriously but no one took Amb. Stevens feeling threatened in Benghazi seriously.

The intensity of the coverage of Petraeus scandal is a daily mockery of the lack of intensity when covering .

The Wait is Almost Over! It is official, we are set to open this Tuesday November 13th! With over 4 ft of snow...

به‌نظر می‌رسد بارگزاری صفحه طول کشیده است.

توییتر احتمالا فراتر از گنجایش خود رفته یا دچار وقفه زودگذر شده است. دوباره تلاش کنید یا برای دریافت اطلاعات بیشتر از صفحه وضعیت توییتر بازدید کنید.