
What the Artists are saying. Internet radio helps fuel artists

Internet Radio helps fuel a vibrant middle class in the music industry, playing songs not only from major record labels but also from the nation’s rising musicians.

What the Listeners are Saying,

Internet radio listeners’ favorite Internet radio stations play the songs that they love and help them discover new music. Hear what listeners have to say about Internet radio.

Support Internet Radio Fairness, Take Action Contact Congress

Tell your Member of Congress to give Internet Radio a fair chance and co-sponsor the Internet Radio Fairness Act of 2012.

Congressman Chaffetz Gives Internet Radio a Fair Chance

The Internet Radio Fairness Act of 2012 has a broad base of bipartisan support on Capitol Hill.

Senator Ron Wyden Supporting Internet Radio Fairness in the Senate

The Internet Radio Fairness Act of 2012 has bipartisan support on Capitol Hill. Learn more about this legislation from one of its legislative sponsors, Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), in the video below.

Congressman Polis Gives Internet Radio a Fair Chance

The Internet Radio Fairness Act of 2012 has bipartisan support on Capitol Hill. Learn more about this legislation from one of its legislative sponsors, Congressman Jared Polis (D-CO), in the video below.

Tim Westergren, Pandora’s Founder, Explains the Rate Fairness Issue

Unfair royalty rates are hampering innovation and hurting both consumers and artists. Royalty rates are higher for Internet Radio stations than for any other broadcast medium.

What Industry Leaders Are Saying

Find out why Ed Black from CCIA and Lee Knife from DiMA support the Internet Radio Fairness Act.

About Internet Radio Fairness Act

The current royalty rate system for digital – including Internet – radio is the result of piecemeal legislation that was enacted as new technologies were invented. The result is a system that’s significantly out of date – and, critically, out of sync with the realities of the 21st century marketplace.

Learn More


Electronic Frontier Foundation

The Internet Radio Fairness Act What it is why it’s needed …

The Internet Radio Fairness Act What it is why it’s needed. The 2012 campaign is almost over which means Congress may soon be able to get back to business …



Radio and Labels Should Back Royalty Bill

Reps. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) and Jared Polis (D-Colorad) recently introduced the Internet Radio Fairness Act, designed to change the way Internet streaming royalties are calculated.



Clear Channel, Pandora & More Launch Internet Radio Fairness Coalition

Clear Channel, Pandora and a number of other organizations have formed the Internet Radio Fairness Coalition, aiming to urge Congress to pass the proposed Internet Radio Fairness Act. The Coalition’s stated mission is ” “to urge Congress to support …
