Welcome to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities’ National Earned Income Tax Credit & Child Tax Credit Outreach Campaign!

This Campaign is dedicated to promoting the Earned Income Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, and free tax filing assistance.

The 2012 Tax Credit Outreach Kit is now available!  Sign up for our mailing list to request your free copy.

Use the navigation menu to the right to view the 2012 Kit online.

To learn more about the history of this Campaign, click here.

If you need further assistance, please call us at 202-408-1080.

The 2012 Summer Alert is now Available!  Updates include:

  • a description of current benefits in the EIC, CTC, and American Opportunity Tax Credit
  • overview of the treatment of tax refunds for other public benefit programs
  • status of Refund Anticipation Loans
  • income limits for the EIC and CTC in 2012

Download here.

Want to download NEW 2013 tax credit outreach materials?

Click here.

In the News

Click here for recent news about the Earned Income Credit and Child Tax Credit.

How much are the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit worth?

First time learning about the tax credits and outreach?

Click here to listen to a podcast about the Earned Income Tax Credit (4:36 minutes) or here to read a transcript of the podcast.