
Boustany Statement on November Unemployment Report

(Washington, DC) -  Congressman Charles W. Boustany, Jr., M.D., (R-South Louisiana) released the following statement after the United States Department of Labor announced a net total of 120,000 jobs were created and the unemployment rate for the month of November was 8.6 percent:

“I welcome the news of job growth in our nation’s economy. However, more than 14 million Americans are still unemployed. Much must be done in creating an atmosphere that encourages employers to hire workers. Over two years ago, the President promised the unemployment rate would never rise above 8 percent once his Administration’s $787 billion ‘stimulus’ plan was enacted. This jobs report marks the 34th consecutive month the unemployment rate in our country remained above 8 percent. This number is simply unacceptable.

“Since January, House Republicans have put job creation on the forefront of the Congressional agenda. More than 20 pieces of legislation focused on job growth have passed the House of Representatives and are still awaiting action in the Senate. I urge Senate Democrats to take up these bills and pass them in order to put American families back to work.”
