20 Dec

The Benghazi “Accountability Report”….No Accountability At The Top

So Obama has found three staffers in the State Department who don’t have the political clout to save themselves: The A.P., quoting an unidentified administration official, said Eric Boswell, the assistant secretary of state for diplomatic security, and Charlene Lamb, … Continue reading

Posted in 9/11, American Intelligence, Barack Obama, Baracks Broken Promises, Benghazi Attack, Fanatical Islam, Libya, Military, Politics, The Clintons, War On Terror | 5 Comments | 92 views
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20 Dec

‘One can only hope’ NRA members are shot dead

Tragedies often bring out the best in people. Responding to a tweet by author Joyce Carol Oates, actress Marg Helgenberger said “one can only hope” that members of the NRA get shot, Twitchy reported Tuesday. “If sizable numbers of NRA … Continue reading

Posted in 2nd Amendment, Barack Obama, Celebrity Idiots, Constitution, Disasters, Dumb Laws, Liberal Idiots, Politics, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 13 Comments | 469 views
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20 Dec

On this day in history: A Higher Call

December 20, 1943, 4 days before Christmas: a young American bomber pilot named Charlie Brown found himself somewhere over Germany, struggling to keep his plane aloft with just one of its four engines still working. They were returning from their … Continue reading

Posted in Book Review, Europe, Germany, military history, On This Day, This Day in History, True Heroes | 7 Comments | 707 views
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19 Dec

Biden in 2008: Obama ain’t taking your guns; Biden in 2012…Out to take your guns.

Is there a campaign promise that Obama hasn’t broken yet? Joe Biden circa 2008: “I guarantee you Barack Obama ain’t taking my shotguns, so don’t buy that malarkey. Don’t buy that malarkey. They’re going to start peddling that to you. … Continue reading

Posted in 2nd Amendment, Barack Obama, Baracks Broken Promises, Constitution, Joe Biden, Law, Law Enforcement, Mass Murders, Politics | 83 Comments | 601 views
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18 Dec

Does he weep for the children he kills?

Barack Obama brushed away what appeared to be tears during his speech in Newtown CT in the aftermath of the massacre. The Washington Post slobbered all over itself slobbering over Obama: President Obama, so often cool and unemotional, struggled to … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, Barack Obama, Constitution, Global Regions, Law, Media, Pakistan, Politics, POWER GRAB!, propaganda bureau, Uncategorized, Yemen | Tagged , , , , , | 36 Comments | 720 views
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18 Dec

The Constitution, Deadbeat Dads, and the Hypocrisy of Obamacare

America is now poised to enjoy the fruits of what has been a demand from the left for over a quarter century: Government mandated socialized medicine. There have always been three main arguments behind that drive: 1) Everyone has a … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | 38 Comments | 662 views
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18 Dec

Don’t Apologize, Don’t Be Silent. [Reader Post]

Gun control advocates are using this horrific tragedy to justify the promotion of an agenda that they have been progressing for decades. As David Axelrod said a few years back, “Never let a tragedy go to waste.” All the while, … Continue reading

Posted in 2nd Amendment, Constitution, Liberal Idiots, MSM Bias, Politics | 31 Comments | 453 views
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