Roll Call

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CQ Roll Call Oct. 27, 2012
At the Races

The Sandy Effect on the Elections

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NOAA/Getty Images

Updated | Hurricane Sandy looks to pose a serious threat to life and property in the eastern United States, but the storm’s timing means it is also likely to have an effect on the last week of the 2012 campaigns.


Democratic Super PACs Continue to Raise Money at a Rapid Clip

The top Democrat-friendly super PACs continue to accelerate their fundraising, according to recently filed Federal Election Commission reports, but they remain far behind their GOP counterparts in overall receipts.


Ryan Rallies House Candidates

House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan (Wis.), the Republican vice presidential nominee, was scheduled this afternoon at 4:30 p.m. to hold a conference call with top GOP House candidates to give them an update on the state of the presidential race.

Reid Taken to Hospital After Multi-Car Accident

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Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call File Photo


Blackburn Calls Obama Ad 'Offensive, Repulsive'

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) laced into President Barack Obama in an open letter today, blasting him and his campaign for producing an advertisement that uses a double entendre-laden theme to encourage first-time voting.

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