
Rep. Gary Miller Named Guardian of Small Business by the National Federation of Independent Business

Washington, Sep 14 -

The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) has named Rep. Gary Miller a Guardian of Small Business for his outstanding voting record on small business issues in the 112th Congress.

Following this honor, Rep. Miller released the following statement:

“I am honored and humbled to receive this award from the NFIB. However, it is our nation’s small businesses that deserve the credit. Small businesses are the lifeblood of our economy, creating nearly seven out of every ten jobs in our great nation.

The financial crisis had a devastating impact on our nation’s small businesses. In an attempt to revive our struggling economy, the Obama Administration and congressional Democrats dramatically increased federal spending, sending our national debt skyrocketing to unsustainable levels. In addition, the Administration has pushed through costly and heavy-handed regulations on job creators and has proposed tax hikes that will weaken our economy and stifle job growth.

Despite this enhanced government intervention in our economy, unemployment has remained above eight percent for forty-three months. Sadly, the Administration and their allies in Congress keep pushing for more of the same failed policies that have discouraged small business owners from innovating and expanding.

In order to thrive, our nation’s job creators need confidence in our economy. I have long supported policies that will foster an economic environment conducive to job creation, including lowering taxes, reducing federal spending to get our nation’s finances in order, and lifting the burden of bureaucratic red tape.

As a driving force of job creation, small businesses remain essential to getting our economy back on track. In order to grow our economy and create new opportunities for Americans, I will continue to work in Congress to support our small business community and eliminate obstacles in their path to prosperity and job creation.”


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