United States Senator Jay Rockefeller for West Virginia
Offices : BeckleyCharlestonFairmontMartinsburgWashington, DC E-mail Senator Rockefeller
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Iraq and Counterterrorism

Senator Rockefeller believes that the Administration's decision to go to war with Iraq was a mistake, and that it has been compounded by mismanagement and inept policies since the fall of Saddam Hussein. As a result, the war has increased the threat of global terrorism.

Rockefeller recognizes that the men and women of our military have done everything we have asked them to do in Iraq - they have won every battle they have fought. However, the responsibility for the future of Iraq must rest with the people of Iraq and their leaders.

Senator Rockefeller supports a smart, tough, comprehensive strategy that would transition U.S. forces away from deep involvement in the civil war and instead toward targeted counter-terror operations against al Qaida and training of the Iraqi Army. This reduction in forces will allow most of our units to begin a gradual redeployment home - as well as to other parts of the world, including Afghanistan, where al Qaida has a true safe haven from which they can plot future attacks against our homeland.

Rockefeller believes the Bush Administration should begin aggressive diplomatic initiatives both inside Iraq and with Iraq's neighbors to help the Sunnis, the Shia and the other factions in Iraq find and pursue a path to sustainable political settlement.