United States Senator Jay Rockefeller for West Virginia
Offices : BeckleyCharlestonFairmontMartinsburgWashington, DC E-mail Senator Rockefeller
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Senator Rockefeller is a nationally recognized leader on issues affecting the defense and security of the United States and its citizens. As Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Vice Chairman from 2003-2006, and member since 2001, Senator Rockefeller has focused his efforts on improving and reforming the nation's intelligence capabilities while providing aggressive oversight of the nation's intelligence and counterterrorism programs.

Given the sensitive nature of these issues, Rockefeller often works tirelessly behind the scenes to help the nation address some of the gravest threats facing the country: the spread of violent extremist ideology, dangerous intentions of rogue nations, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and ethnic strife and instability in the developing world.

To combat these threats, Senator Rockefeller believes that America must use its strength by engaging the world and its allies, and exhibiting moral and global leadership. He has been especially critical of the Administration's mismanagement of the Iraq war, and continues to press the Administration to refocus its mission and resources on al Qaida and the threat of global terrorism.

Senator Rockefeller is widely-known for his leadership of an investigation into pre-war intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. The Committee's first report produced a highly respected critique of the failings of our Intelligence Community. The second phase of the investigation concluded, among other things, that Administration officials often misrepresented the intelligence and the threat from Iraq in making the case for war.

As part of his oversight responsibilities on the Committee, he has held numerous hearings on critical matters such as Pakistan/Afghanistan regime stability and counterterrorism activities; terrorism ideology and terrorist safehavens; covert action; human intelligence; cybersecurity; signals and imagery intelligence; and key hot spots such as Iran, North Korea and China.

He has also undertaken a review of the CIA detention and interrogation program, including a close look at the foundation for and legal underpinnings of the program.

And, he has conducted a review of the legality and effectiveness of the President's warrantless surveillance program. That review helped spur Committee action to modernize the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and ensure that our surveillance programs are strong, effective and within the law.

Iraq and Counterterrorism

Senator Rockefeller believes that the Administration's decision to go to war with Iraq was a mistake, and that it has been compounded by mismanagement and inept policies since the fall of Saddam Hussein. As a result, the war has increased the threat of global terrorism. Rockefeller recognizes that the men and women of our military have done everything we have asked them to do in Iraq - they have won every battle they have fought.More...

Intelligence Reform

Following the tragedy of the September 11 attacks, and the flawed intelligence used to justify war with Iraq, Senator Rockefeller has played a major role in crafting the reforms that have significantly strengthened the nation's intelligence capabilities. More...

Homeland Security

With a strong understanding of the threats facing the homeland, Senator Rockefeller has focused on reducing U.S. vulnerabilities by coordinating efforts with local, federal and state government, along with the private sector, to help safeguard American lives and interests. More...

National Guard and Reserves

Since the attacks of 9/11, the missions of the West Virginia National Guard and Army Reserves have expanded enormously, in both homeland defense and overseas deployments. Whether responding to a natural disaster in West Virginia or combating terrorism half a world away, the West Virginia National Guard and Army Reserves are a significant source of pride for the Mountain State. More...