United States Senator Jay Rockefeller for West Virginia
Offices : BeckleyCharlestonFairmontMartinsburgWashington, DC E-mail Senator Rockefeller
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The Future of Coal

Senator Rockefeller believes that West Virginia is uniquely poised to play an important role in making our nation more energy independent. Through the development and implementation of new technologies - such as clean coal -- West Virginia can be a national and global leader in alternative fuels.

Toward that end, he's authored legislation that would encourage a massive federal investment in environmentally sound coal-to-liquid (CTL) research to provide major industries with an alternative fuel stock to power generators and assembly lines. He also believes that in the future clean CTL can be used as an alternative transportation fuel - helping to keep air fares cheap, powering public transportation and trucks, and keeping critical goods and services moving.

But, to get to that point, Senator Rockefeller believes that Congress must be prepared to take bold steps to develop a clean CTL industry in our nation - the equivalent of the "Apollo" and "Manhattan" Projects that would provide billions in federal funding for research and development so that the best and brightest engineers and scientific minds can tackle carbon capture and sequestration with CTL development.