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Items with tag “massachusetts-senate-race”

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Scott Brown ends campaign with no debt, after spending $37.4 million

Scott Brown

By Shira Schoenberg, Political Correspondent

December 07, 2012, 2:20PM
Brown raised significantly less money this election cycle than Democrat Elizabeth Warren, who was elected to replace him. But unlike Warren, Brown was able to end his campaign in the black. Full story »

Campaign official: Elizabeth Warren finished her campaign with less than $400,000 in debt


By Shira Schoenberg, Political Correspondent

December 05, 2012, 4:56PM
Warren told supporters about the debt in a fundraising email on Wednesday.The debt is less than 1 percent of the $42 million that Warren raised during the course of her campaign. Full story »

U.S. Sen-elect Elizabeth Warren kicks off thank-you tour in Springfield


By Stephanie Barry, The Republican

December 01, 2012, 2:08PM
Warren wrapped up her speech by denouncing Republican filibusters and urging voters to call for reform.  Full story »

Martha Coakley for Massachusetts governor, Senate? Attorney general leaves door open


By Dan Ring, The Republican

November 29, 2012, 5:00PM
“Today, right here at this microphone?” Coakley said when asked if she would rule out a run for Senate or governor. “Yes.” Full story »

Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick: 'I'd sign' law to eliminate special election if Sen. John Kerry resigns


By Dan Ring, The Republican

November 28, 2012, 12:32PM
John Kerry's press secretary said last week that Kerry intends to run for re-election in 2014. Full story »

Rep. Michael Capuano says he would weigh Massachusetts Senate run if Sen. John Kerry named to cabinet post


By The Associated Press

November 20, 2012, 8:08AM
U.S. Rep. Michael Capuano says he would seriously consider running in a special election for the U.S. Senate should Sen. John Kerry be named to a cabinet post. Full story »

Massachusetts Democratic Party confident about ability to win in potential special election for John Kerry's Senate seat

John Walsh and Elizabeth Warren

By Robert Rizzuto, The Republican

November 17, 2012, 11:30AM
While party chairman John Walsh acknowledges that advertising can indeed impact a campaign, in his eyes dozens of expensive TV ads do not equate the power of just one old-fashioned handshake and face-to-face conversation with an actual person.  Full story »

Scott Brown-Elizabeth Warren 'People's Pledge' could become a national model

elizabeth warren vs scott brown warren vs brown.jpg

By Shira Schoenberg, Political Correspondent

November 16, 2012, 3:21PM
Now that the Massachusetts Senate race is over, pundits are speculating about what role the pledge played in Warren's victory, and whether the pledge might become a tool for other future campaigns. Full story »

For Vietnam veteran and senior Sen. John Kerry, Obama Administration position could be the next step

kerry libya.jpg

By Shira Schoenberg, Political Correspondent

November 13, 2012, 7:18PM
The Massachusetts Democrat is considered a leading contender for a position in President Barack Obama's 2nd term administration. Full story »

Speculation swirls amid talk of Sen. John Kerry landing position on Barack Obama's national defense team

By Robert Rizzuto, The Republican

November 13, 2012, 6:53PM
With renewed speculation that Kerry, the junior senator from Massachusetts, is on a short list for a position on President Barack Obama's 2nd term national defense team, politicos across the Bay State are buzzing with talk over who would fill his seat.  Full story »

Special Election 2013? 10 potential candidates to replace John Kerry in the U.S. Senate

By Robert Rizzuto, The Republican

November 13, 2012, 4:00PM
Democratic Lt. Gov. Tim Murray has been named as a possible contender for the U.S. Senate seat left behind should Mass. Sen. John Kerry be nominated for and accept a presidential appointment in Barack Obama's administration. Murray previously served as a city councilor and then mayor of Worcester before successfully running for the state's highest office with Deval Patrick. (Republican... 

Special Election 2013? 10 potential candidates to replace John Kerry in the U.S. Senate

By Robert Rizzuto, The Republican

November 13, 2012, 4:00PM
State Senator Michael Knapik, R-Westfield, has been named as a possible contender for the U.S. Senate seat left behind should Mass. Sen. John Kerry be nominated for and accept a presidential appointment in Barack Obama's administration. Knapik said that although he is "flattered," he is currently focused on representing the citizens of the 2nd Hampden and Hampshire District in the... 

Special Election 2013? 10 potential candidates to replace John Kerry in the U.S. Senate

By Robert Rizzuto, The Republican

November 13, 2012, 4:00PM
Democratic U.S. Rep. Michael E. Capuano, D-Mass., second from right, is a potential candidate for John Kerry's Senate seat should the longtime senator receive a presidential appointment in Barack Obama's administration. (Republican file photo) 

Special Election 2013? 10 potential candidates to replace John Kerry in the U.S. Senate

By Robert Rizzuto, The Republican

November 13, 2012, 4:00PM
U.S. Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass., has been named as a possible contender for he U.S. Senate seat left behind should Mass. Sen. John Kerry be nominated for and accept a presidential appointment in Barack Obama's administration. Markey has represented the Bay State in the US House of Representatives since 1976. (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer) (AP Photo/Elise Amendola) 

Special Election 2013? 10 potential candidates to replace John Kerry in the U.S. Senate

By Robert Rizzuto, The Republican

November 13, 2012, 4:00PM
Republican Charlie Baker concedes defeat in the Massachusetts governors race at a nightclub in Boston, Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2010. Baker is among the GOP politicians named as a possible contender for the U.S. Senate seat left behind should Mass. Sen. John Kerry be nominated for and accept a presidential appointment in Barack Obama's administration. (AP Photo/Steven Senne) 

Special Election 2013? 10 potential candidates to replace John Kerry in the U.S. Senate

By Robert Rizzuto, The Republican

November 13, 2012, 4:00PM
Republican candidate for Massachusetts' 6th Congressional District Richard Tisei has been named as a possible contender for the U.S. Senate seat left behind should Mass. Sen. John Kerry be nominated for and accept a presidential appointment in Barack Obama's administration. Tisei served in the Mass. House of Representatives from 1984-1990 and in the state Senate afterwards through Jan. 2011, when... 

Special Election 2013? 10 potential candidates to replace John Kerry in the U.S. Senate

By Robert Rizzuto, The Republican

November 13, 2012, 4:00PM
Former Massachusetts Gov. William Weld, second from right, has been named as a possible contender for he U.S. Senate seat left behind should Mass. Sen. John Kerry be nominated for and accept a presidential appointment in Barack Obama's administration. Weld recently began eying real estate in the Boston area and quietly signaled a return to the state from New York.... 

Special Election 2013? 10 potential candidates to replace John Kerry in the U.S. Senate

By Robert Rizzuto, The Republican

November 13, 2012, 3:59PM
Joseph Kennedy III, son of former U.S. Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy II and grandson of the late Robert F. Kennedy, delivers his victory speech on Nov. 6, 2012, after defeating Republican businessman Sean Bielat in the race to replace retiring congressman Barney Frank. The young Kennedy, who has no prior legislative experience, has been named as a possible contender for... 

Special Election 2013? 10 potential candidates to replace John Kerry in the U.S. Senate

By Robert Rizzuto, The Republican

November 13, 2012, 3:59PM
U.S. Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass., said in his concession speech following a loss to Elizabeth Warren that "defeat is only temporary," signaling a potential return to politics in the near future. Brown is serving out the remainder of the late Sen. Ted Kennedy's Senate term alongside Democratic Sen. John Kerry. (AP Photo/Steven Senne) 

Massachusetts pundits and supporters wonder: What will Sen. Scott Brown do next?

U.S. Sen. Scott Brown loses race for re-election

By Shira Schoenberg, Political Correspondent

November 07, 2012, 5:54PM
Brown's concession speech sparked speculation about a potential future run for office. Full story »