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New Sketchbook Video Illustrates GEW Impact


Nov 09, 2012

Thanks to the team at Impulsa that helps run GEW/Mexico, partners planning activities in Spanish-speaking countries now have their own version of the GEW sketchbook from the Kauffman Foundation that explains what exactly Global Entrepreneurship Week is--in less than three minutes.

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Early next week, the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) is hosting a Twitter chat with regional partners and entrepreneurs from around the world to discuss how entrepreneurship contributes to economic, social and democratic development.

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Nov 07, 2012

The following post is a guest contribution from Daniel Szabo, a young Hungarian entrepreneur working out of the GEW Global offices in Washington, DC. .......................................

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Nov 07, 2012

MTV recently aired an interview with Joelle Yazbeck of the MIT Enterprise Forum of the Pan Arab Region--the host of GEW/Lebanon for 2012--talking about this year's Global Entrepreneurship Week in the country.

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Nov 06, 2012

GEW/Belgium recently won the support of Kris Peeters, the current Minister-President of Flanders, the northern region of Belgium. In a video he created for the campaign, Peters said simply, "We need committed entrepreneurs."

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Nov 02, 2012

Last March, following a gathering of Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) Africa Hosts at the Global Entrepreneurship Congress in Liverpool, we decided it was time to focus more attention on GEW in Africa. I report progress to you from our LIONS @FRICA meeting and DEMO here in Nairobi six months...

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U.S. President Barack Obama has issued a proclamation naming November 2012 National Entrepreneurship Month.

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United Kingdom

Oct 29, 2012

Count former U.S. President Bill Clinton among the world leaders using Global Entrepreneurship Week as a chance to emphasize the importance of startups and job creators to the global economy.

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Oct 26, 2012

GEW/Australia continues to grow--in size as well as stature--recently securing a statement of support from Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

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Oct 26, 2012

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will once again award the "Prime Ministers Prize for Initiatives and Innovations" during Global Entrepreneurship Week. The prize, given for the third consecutive year, is intended to encourage and reward initiatives, innovative thinking, imagination and creativity...

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