Pri­vacy Policy

Re­viewed Au­gust 2015. Please note that our Sites and Mo­bile Con­tent are un­der con­stant de­vel­op­ment. New ser­vices are ad­ded fre­quently and this agree­ment may there­fore be mod­i­fied and up­dated on an on­go­ing basis. It is im­port­ant to check back to this page reg­u­larly.

At the Na­tion­al Journ­al Group, Inc. (“Na­tion­al Journ­al”), we want you to en­joy and be­ne­fit from our web­sites and on­line ser­vices se­cure in the know­ledge that we have im­ple­men­ted fair in­form­a­tion prac­tices de­signed to pro­tect your pri­vacy. Our pri­vacy policy be­low de­scribes the in­form­a­tion we col­lect, how we use it, and the choices you have re­gard­ing col­lec­tion and use of your per­son­al in­form­a­tion. This policy ap­plies to all web­sites and on­line ser­vices op­er­ated by Na­tion­al Journ­al, in­clud­ing na­tion­al­journ­, as well as to the con­tent and ser­vices we provide to mo­bile users, through mo­bile devices such as Apple’s iPhone and iPad (col­lect­ively, our “Sites” or “Sites and Mo­bile Con­tent”).

What We Learn

Our Sites may auto­mat­ic­ally re­cog­nize your do­main name, IP ad­dress, browser ver­sion, op­er­at­ing sys­tem and the web­site you passed through to reach us. In ad­di­tion, our Sites auto­mat­ic­ally gath­er cer­tain us­age in­form­a­tion, like the num­bers and fre­quency of vis­its to the Sites and their areas – very much like tele­vi­sion rat­ings that tell how many people tuned in to a pro­gram. The in­form­a­tion we ob­tain in provid­ing Mo­bile Con­tent var­ies de­pend­ing on the prac­tices of your device man­u­fac­turer, ser­vice pro­vider, and choices avail­able to you as a user.

Some fea­tures of our Sites do of­fer you the op­tion of provid­ing in­form­a­tion such as your name, e-mail ad­dress, postal ad­dress, phone num­ber, or­gan­iz­a­tion, loc­a­tion, or any oth­er identi­fy­ing in­form­a­tion. As de­scribed in great­er de­tail be­low, such in­form­a­tion will only be used to provide you with products or ser­vices you have re­ques­ted or ad­di­tion­al in­form­a­tion about the Sites or their af­fil­i­ates. (You may also provide us with such in­form­a­tion in the course of sub­scrib­ing to Na­tion­al Journ­al magazine or oth­er of­fer­ings from Na­tion­al Journ­al – de­tails of how we use such in­form­a­tion are also provided be­low.)

In­form­a­tion gathered through the use of cook­ies and javas­cript may in­clude sub­scriber in­form­a­tion in­clud­ing sub­scrip­tion id and sign-in name. This in­form­a­tion is used to track sub­scriber us­age of Na­tion­al Journ­al products.

How We Use What We Learn

The in­form­a­tion we col­lect is used to im­prove the con­tent of Na­tion­al Journ­al magazine and our Sites and to keep you ap­prised of im­port­ant de­vel­op­ments. For ex­ample, we may use per­son­ally iden­ti­fi­able in­form­a­tion to con­tact you as part of an on­line sur­vey about our ed­it­or­i­al of­fer­ings, in­form you of ma­ter­i­al changes or ad­di­tions to our ser­vices, ad­vise you of ac­count status, or con­tact you in or­der to com­ply with any leg­al re­quire­ments. Also, we com­pile and use your in­form­a­tion so that we may keep you ap­prised of spe­cial of­fers, as well as ad­di­tion­al products that may be of in­terest to you.

In some cases, we may share per­son­ally iden­ti­fi­able in­form­a­tion to con­tact you (some­times through a vendor or busi­ness part­ner) for the reas­ons we have de­scribed.

What We Tell Oth­ers About You

We will not sell or rent or will­fully dis­close any per­son­ally identi­fy­ing in­form­a­tion ob­tained through the Sites (oth­er than in con­nec­tion with magazine sub­scrip­tions ordered, as ex­plained be­low) to a party out­side At­lantic Me­dia Com­pany, its di­vi­sions, its af­fil­i­ated pub­lic­a­tions (such as The At­lantic, Na­tion­al Journ­al Daily, Gov­ern­ment Ex­ec­ut­ive, and Nex­t­Gov), its vendors provid­ing In­ter­net host­ing ser­vices, or third party list man­agers, without first re­ceiv­ing the user’s per­mis­sion. We do not col­lect per­son­ally identi­fy­ing in­form­a­tion from our vis­it­ors, oth­er than what is sup­plied to us on a vol­un­tary basis.

From time to time we al­low reput­able com­pan­ies, whose products or ser­vices we feel may in­terest our print sub­scribers, to con­tact these sub­scribers us­ing the ad­dresses provided to us dur­ing the pro­cess of sub­scrib­ing to Na­tion­al Journ­al’s print edi­tion. (We do not share these ad­dresses dir­ectly with these com­pan­ies, however—only with a third party who ad­min­is­ters the pro­cess on our be­half.) . Many of our sub­scribers find this a valu­able and time-sav­ing ser­vice. If you do not want your in­form­a­tion to be shared, you can choose not to al­low the trans­fer by let­ting us know by e-mail­ing, call­ing, or writ­ing us (see ad­dresses be­low).

We may provide stat­ist­ic­al us­age data in the ag­greg­ate—not in­form­a­tion about you per­son­ally—to our part­ners about how vis­it­ors use the Sites. From time to time we con­duct re­search on our users’ demo­graph­ics, in­terests and be­ha­vi­or based on the in­form­a­tion you provide to us upon re­gis­tra­tion, on or­der forms, as well as from our serv­er log files or from sur­veys. We do this to bet­ter un­der­stand and serve our users. This re­search is com­piled and ana­lyzed on an ag­greg­ated basis and we may share this ag­greg­ated data with ad­vert­isers or oth­er busi­nesses.

In some cases, we may dis­close in­form­a­tion about you to a third party if we are re­quired to do so by law or if we in good faith be­lieve that such ac­tion is ne­ces­sary to com­ply with the law or leg­al pro­cess, to pro­tect and de­fend our rights or to pre­vent mis­use of our Sites, or to pro­tect the per­son­al safety or prop­erty of our users or the pub­lic.

In the event of a cor­por­ate change in con­trol res­ult­ing from, for ex­ample, a sale to, or mer­ger with, an­oth­er en­tity, or in the event of a sale of as­sets or a bank­ruptcy, Na­tion­al Journ­al re­serves the right to trans­fer your per­son­ally iden­ti­fi­able in­form­a­tion to the new party in con­trol or the party ac­quir­ing as­sets.

What Are Cook­ies And How Do We Use Them?

The Sites place a “cook­ie” on the browser of a user’s com­puter to gath­er and store ba­sic track­ing in­form­a­tion and to mon­it­or the present­a­tion of ad­vert­ise­ments. We may also use the in­form­a­tion for ed­it­or­i­al pur­poses and for oth­er pur­poses such as meas­ur­ing cer­tain traffic pat­terns. For ex­ample, cook­ies are used to en­sure that you don’t see the same ad too many times in a single ses­sion. Cook­ies are also used to re­strict ac­cess to cer­tain areas of the Sites to bona fide sub­scribers and to provide func­tion­al­ity such as “re­mem­ber my pass­word.” Cook­ies are not used to re­trieve in­form­a­tion from your com­puter that was not ori­gin­ally sent in a cook­ie.

Ad­vert­ising ser­vice vendors that serve ads in­to our Sites may also use their own cook­ies. You may opt-out of the cook­ies de­livered by the Sites by chan­ging the set­ting on your browser. Some browsers are set to re­fuse all cook­ies, or to re­strict the con­di­tions un­der which they are set. Please be aware that this will dis­able all cook­ies de­livered to your browser, not just the ones de­livered by us. If you would like more in­form­a­tion about ad­vert­isers’ use of cook­ies, and about your abil­ity not to ac­cept these cook­ies, please vis­it the Net­work Ad­vert­ising Ini­ti­at­ive’s Opt-Out page here ht­tp://­work­ad­vert­­aging/op­t_out.asp.

Ad­vert­isers and Links

The Sites con­tain links to oth­er sites, in­clud­ing those pro­duced by oth­er or­gan­iz­a­tions. Ad­di­tion­ally, our ad­vert­isers, or Web sites that have links on our Sites, may also col­lect per­son­ally iden­ti­fi­able in­form­a­tion dir­ectly from you. We are not re­spons­ible for the pri­vacy policies or the con­tent of those sites. Please vis­it the sites of these busi­nesses to re­view their pri­vacy policies.

Kids & Par­ents

Kids un­der 13: Do not send us any in­form­a­tion about your­self, such as your name, ad­dress, or e-mail ad­dress.

Par­ents: These Sites are not dir­ec­ted to chil­dren un­der the age of thir­teen (13) and we do not know­ingly col­lect per­son­ally iden­ti­fi­able in­form­a­tion from chil­dren un­der the age of 13 as part of the Sites. If we be­come aware that we have in­ad­vert­ently re­ceived per­son­ally iden­ti­fi­able in­form­a­tion from a user un­der the age of 13 as part of the Sites without veri­fi­able par­ent­al con­sent, we will de­lete such in­form­a­tion from our re­cords.

Data Se­cur­ity

We have in place reas­on­able phys­ic­al, elec­tron­ic and ma­na­geri­al pro­ced­ures to pro­tect the in­form­a­tion we col­lect on­line. However, as ef­fect­ive as these meas­ures are, no se­cur­ity sys­tem is im­pen­et­rable. We can­not guar­an­tee the se­cur­ity of our data­base, web­sites, or ser­vices, nor can we guar­an­tee that the in­form­a­tion you sup­ply will not be in­ter­cep­ted while be­ing trans­mit­ted to us over the In­ter­net.

What if I am a Non-U.S. User?

Please note that the Sites are dir­ec­ted to­wards users who reside in the United States. It is not our in­tent to gath­er per­son­ally iden­ti­fi­able in­form­a­tion from in­di­vidu­als resid­ing out­side of the United States. If you are loc­ated out­side of the United States, the in­form­a­tion you provide to us will be trans­ferred to the United States whose laws may not provide the same level of pro­tec­tion for per­son­al in­form­a­tion as your home coun­try. By us­ing this web site, you con­sent to this trans­fer. You also con­sent to the ad­ju­dic­a­tion of any dis­putes arising in con­nec­tion with this web­site in the fed­er­al and oth­er courts of, and in ac­cord­ance with the laws of, the Dis­trict of Columbia.


This Pri­vacy Policy may be changed at any time at our dis­cre­tion.

How Can I Re­quest that my Per­son­ally Iden­ti­fi­able In­form­a­tion not be Shared? How Can I Re­view My Per­son­ally Iden­ti­fi­able In­form­a­tion?

As in­dic­ated above, if you do not want your per­son­ally iden­ti­fi­able in­form­a­tion to be shared, you can choose not to al­low the trans­fer by let­ting us know by e-mail­ing, call­ing or writ­ing us (see ad­dresses be­low). Sim­il­arly, please con­tact us at the same ad­dresses if at any time you wish to re­view your per­son­ally iden­ti­fi­able in­form­a­tion.

Any Ques­tions?

For more in­form­a­tion on our Pri­vacy Policy, or if at any time you wish to dis­con­tin­ue re­ceiv­ing com­mu­nic­a­tions from us that do not dir­ectly per­tain to your sub­scrip­tion, please let us know by email­ing us at ser­vice@na­tion­al­journ­ call­ing us at 800-613-6701, or writ­ing to us at the ad­dress lis­ted be­low.

Our Postal Ad­dress

Na­tion­al Journ­al Group, Inc.

600 New Hamp­shire Av­en­ue, NW

Wash­ing­ton, DC 20037