U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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All blog posts related to the issue: Economy
  • Delegation to host holiday job fair at Christiana Mall

    NEWARK – To help Delawareans find work during the holiday season, Senators Chris Coons, Tom Carper and U.S. Representative John Carney will host a job fair at the Christiana Mall in Newark on Wednesday, October 17. 

    Retail and department stores looking to hire seasonal employees will be on hand to interview talented job seekers. Delawareans are encouraged to come dressed to impress and with resumes in hand. 

    The holiday job fair will take place at the courts in front of JCPenney and Target located in the Christiana Mall in Newark, Delaware, on October 17th from 4:00 – 8:00 p.m.

    “As winter approaches, many retailers in the Christiana Mall will be searching for talented seasonal workers to help during the busy holiday season,” Senator Coons said. “I encourage job-seeking Delawareans to join us at our holiday job fair with their resumes in hand to connect with stores that are ready to hire.” 

    The Congressional delegation has hosted eight job fairs in Delaware, including two for veterans, in the past two years.

    For more information on how to participate as an employer or job seeker, please call Senator Coons’ office at 302-573-6345, or email workshop@coons.senate.gov. Pre-registration is not required.

    Job Fair
  • Supporting innovation to fuel job creation

    Senator Coons' Monthly column

    The most important responsibility I have as your senator is to support job creation. Our economy is starting to recover, but there are still far too many Delawareans out of work. That is why we are continuing to host job fairs across the state, connecting job seekers with employers ready to hire, and working to help Delaware businesses access the capital they need to grow and create new jobs.

    One of the keys to fueling American economic growth and ensuring we remain competitive in the global economy is putting in place policies that support and sustain innovation. American ingenuity has always been at the core of our economic success. From inventing the light bulb to perfecting the search engine, we have never lacked good ideas. The challenges of the global economy may be new, but America’s advantage – our entrepreneurs and innovators – remains the same. We just have to support their work so they can continue to grow and create jobs.

    Over the last few months, I’ve partnered with Republicans and Democrats alike to introduce legislation that will support our most innovative companies – the ones with the highest job-creation potential.

    Watching cable news, it would be easy to think the Senate is stuck in partisan gridlock, and to an extent, that is true. Yet there are also decent people of both parties who want to get things done, especially when it comes to our economy. To those of us in Delaware, that is the rule, rather than the exception, but unfortunately, Washington doesn’t always work the same way.

    That is why I was so glad to find partners like Senator Marco Rubio from Florida and Senator Jerry Moran from Kansas. They are both conservative Republicans, but I’ve worked with them and Senator Mark Warner, a Democrat from Virginia, on a series of job-creation proposals we bundled together in a bill called the Startup Act 2.0.

    The Startup Act 2.0 is designed to promote innovation and jumpstart the economy through the creation and growth of new businesses and jobs. It is based on research showing that for almost 30 years, companies less than five years old have created almost all the net new jobs in America – at an average of about three million new jobs a year. So we pulled together ideas that help bring university research from the lab to the marketplace, ideas that encourage investments in new startup companies and more in the hopes of creating an environment where entrepreneurs can succeed.

    Our bill contains an array of job-creating measures for small businesses, such as exempting capital gains taxes on investments in startups, which the independent Kauffman Foundation tells us would unlock $7.5 billion of new investment. It also supports innovative small businesses with an expanded research and development tax credit, an idea Senator Rubio and I introduced together last fall as part of our bipartisan AGREE Act and something I will continue fighting to pass because it is critical for Delaware small business.

    With the right resources, American products can be manufactured in Delaware and remain competitive in the global marketplace. It is happening every day across our state, at companies of all sizes, including Miller Metal in Bridgeville, a local shop that is going head-to-head with Chinese metal fabricators – and winning.

    We have to continue to support this kind of entrepreneurship and innovation in all sectors of our economy, including in the energy sector. There is going to be a clean energy economy in the years ahead, the only question is whether American businesses, families and workers will be at the center or the periphery. If we want to stay competitive in the race for homegrown, affordable, renewable sources of energy, we have to make sure our financial innovation keeps up with our technological innovation.

    That is why this spring, I introduced bipartisan legislation to level the playing field and make a tax credit that has long supported oil and gas projects available to renewable energy projects like wind, solar and biofuels. The bill I wrote with Senator Moran, the Master Limited Partnership Parity Act, could bring significant capital off the sidelines to give clean energy innovators and projects the critical private sector support they need to get their product to the marketplace.

    The bottom line is that America’s researchers, business leaders, innovators and entrepreneurs are already working to help create jobs and ensure American competitiveness in the global economy. We just have to support and sustain their hard work, and we cannot take the rest of the year off just because there’s an election coming up. Even in this difficult, partisan atmosphere, we have to find ways to work together and get things done. Innovation will drive American economic competitiveness for generations to come, and our job is to help our innovators and entrepreneurs do their jobs.

    Monthly Column
  • Video: Senator Coons calls for a balanced approach to deficit reduction

    U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.) took to the Senate floor on July 25, 2012 to urge his Senate colleagues to stand together to vote for a tax proposal that will help create fairness in our nation's tax code by extending the so-called "Bush tax cuts" and other tax breaks for the middle class and low-income families, while allowing income tax, dividend, and capital gains rates to rise on earnings greater than $250,000.

    Deficit Reduction
  • Video: Senator Coons urges colleagues to pass the Bring Jobs Home Act

    U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.) took to the Senate floor on Wednesday morning to urge his Senate colleagues to stand together to help U.S. companies “insource” jobs by passing the Bring Jobs Home Act. The legislation, which Senator Coons is an original cosponsor of, ends taxpayer subsidies to companies that ship jobs overseas and incentivizes companies to bring jobs back to the United States.  The bill is expected to be voted on by the full Senate on Thursday.

  • Senator Coons, two Delaware business leaders participate in roundtable discussion on job creation

    WASHINGTON –Senator Coons participated in a roundtable discussion for ways of duplicating the success of innovative, job-creating American businesses in the Capitol on Wednesday. The meeting was hosted by the Senate Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee and featured representatives from more than 15 companies, including Patrick Owens, president of ILC Dover, and Marty Miller, CEO of Miller Metal in Bridgeville.

    “As our nation lifts itself out of this recession, we should turn for guidance to companies that are strengthening our economy and creating jobs,” Chris said. “These past few years have really taken its toll on Delaware’s economy with the closing of several key businesses around the state; however, there are several small companies in Delaware that have been successful. I was honored to invite Patrick Owens and Marty Miller to join today’s meeting and appreciate their input on how the federal government can help businesses grow. I look forward to keeping an open line of communication with them and other Delaware businesses leaders so we can work in partnership to strengthen our state’s economy and get more Delawareans back to work.”

    Mr. Miller said during the meeting that thanks to a Small Business Administration loan and assistance from the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), Miller Metal was able to purchase a laser cutter: the laser and the MEP have helped Miller Metal increase its workforce from 30 employees to 75.

    The Senator has made job creation a top priority for his time in the Senate. Most recently, he joined on as an original cosponsored of the Bring Jobs Home Act which would end taxpayer subsidies to companies that ship jobs overseas and incentivizes companies to bring jobs back to the United States.    

    In an effort at bipartisanship, in May, he joined with U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Mark R. Warner (D-Va.), and Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) in introducing the Startup Act 2.0, which is designed to promote innovation and jumpstart the economy through the creation and growth of new businesses and jobs.

  • Video: Senator Coons talks fiscal cliff on CBS This Morning

    NEW YORK — Senator Coons was interviewed about the "fiscal cliff" on CBS This Morning Saturday, describing his work with a bipartisan group of senators hoping to make real, rsponsible progress on reducing the deficit and minimizing the impact on Americans of a series of tax and legal changes due to take effect later this year. Watch below:

    Fiscal Cliff
  • Wilmington job fair draws 2,600 job seekers

    Wilmington Job Fair

    WILMINGTON, Del. – A job fair hosted by U.S. Senators Tom Carper and Chris Coons, and U.S. Representative John Carney on Monday drew more than 2,600 job seekers who came to meet with 100 employers at the Chase Center on the Riverfront in Wilmington. Combined, the employers were hiring for more than 1,700 open positions.

    “The job fairs we’ve hosted up and down the state are about changing lives by helping get our neighbors back to work,” Chris  said.  “Things are starting to get better in our state and our country, and I think the fact that 100 employers came out today to hire for more than 1,700 open positions is a sign of that. Our goal for this and for each of our job fairs has been to help Delawareans access these new opportunities and resources for getting a job, and I’m optimistic that today’s job fair did that. I can’t wait to hear from our neighbors who found a job today, and remain fiercely committed to helping the Delawareans who weren't so fortunate.”

    In 2012, the Congressional delegation hosted three jobs fairs across Delaware—one in each county—with a combined total of more than 4,000 job seekers attending.  Last year’s job fairs—also held in each county—attracted more than 4,900 people looking for work.

    Click here to view photos from the job fair.

    Click here to learn more about Chris’ work to create jobs.

    Job Fair
  • Infographic: Startup Act 2.0 by the numbers

    Senator Coons is teaming up with Senators Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Jerry Moran (R-Ka.), and Mark Warner (D-Va.) to introduce the Startup Act 2.0 — a bill that builds upon the bipartisan AGREE Act and the bipartisan Startup Act to help entrepreneurs create jobs in the U.S. Check out this infographic below for  why Congress should pass the Startup Act 2.0. Click on the image to see it bigger.

    Infographic on Startup Act 2.0 

    AGREE Act
    Startup Act 2.0
  • Bloom Energy breaks ground in Newark

    Ground-breaking ceremony for Bloom Energy facility in Newark, Delaware

    NEWARK — Senator Coons was on hand to commemorate the ground-breaking of Bloom Energy's new manufacturing facility on the grounds of the old Chrysler plant in Newark Monday morning -- an important moment for the Delaware's economic future.

    "When we think about the threads that will keep America competitive in the global economy for the next generation, we think of innovation, entrepreneurship, clean energy and manufacturing - and all of those are coming together today here in Delaware," Senator Coons said. "In building its East Coast facility here in Newark, Bloom isn't just investing in its own cutting-edge technology - Bloom is investing in Delaware's communities, our families, and our future. This is a wonderful day for Delaware, and is a day made possible because of what Delaware brings to the table: a talented workforce, a welcoming business climate, and the tremendous leadership of folks like Governor Markell, Secretary O'Mara and DEDO Director Levin. I am proud to welcome Bloom Energy to Delaware today, and look forward to a long, fruitful relationship."

    Clean Energy
    Governor Markell
  • The Buffett Rule and economic fairness

    The Senate this week will take up legislation that would put the so-called "The Buffett Rule" into law, restoring fairness to our tax system by making sure that millionaires and billionaires don't pay a lower effective tax rate than middle-income families.

    The "Paying a Fair Share Act" would ensure that multi-million-dollar earners pay at least a 30 percent effective tax rate on their income over $1 million, including capital gains and dividends. The Buffett Rule would limit the degree to which the wealthiest of Americans can take advantage of loopholes and tax rates.

    According to the IRS, a full 22,000 households that made more than $1 million in 2009 paid less than 15 percent of their income in income taxes. Nearly 1,500 of them managed to pay no federal income taxes on their million-plus-dollar incomes.

    "At the end of the day, it's about fairness," Senator Coons said. "It's about fairness in our tax system, and it's about saying to the average American that no one is above paying their fair share. We're going to have to make some tough choices as a country these next few years as we try to bring our dangerous deficits under control, and it's important that all Americans share in the sacrifice."

    The principle gained the moniker "The Buffett Rule" after legendary financier Warren Buffett revealed that because of inequity in the tax system, he was paying a lower effective tax rate than his secretary.

    “As both I and Warren Buffett have pointed out many times now," President Obama said last week, "he’s paying a lower tax rate than his secretary. That's not fair. It's not right.”

    The White House has developed a simple calculator to help you figure out how many millionaires are presently paying a lower effective tax rate than you. Find out your "Buffett Number" below:

    Buffett Rule
    President Obama