Kaiser Permanente will close its pharmacy at its Arden Way facility on Feb. 9 and will transfer 27 employees to other facilities, the company said.

Federal officials in Sacramento announced Tuesday that pharmacy giant Rite Aid Corp. and nine subsidiaries in eight states have agreed to pay $5 million in civil penalties to settle alleged record-keeping violations of the Controlled Substances Act in connection with prescription drugs.
Michael Gautam, just 23 days old, is placed in his new hospital crib Tuesday after being moved from Kaiser's Morse Avenue hospital to Kaiser Permanente's new Roseville Women and Children's Center.
Worried that Kaiser Permanente may be letting unlicensed staffers make medical decisions, the state is investigating the giant HMO's call centers and plans to demand documents that Kaiser has refused to surrender.
Carmichael runner Shalako Wengronowitz has bagged miles on all the continents.

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Concerns over consumer exposure to salmonella intensified Thursday, a day after Kellogg Co. asked stores to stop selling its peanut butter sandwich crackers until the food maker can figure out if the peanut paste is contaminated.
The chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee said Thursday he would investigate software glitches at the VA that put patient safety at risk, calling the problems a sign of a "dangerous lack of accountability."
Girls who give birth before the age of 15 are five times more likely to die in childbirth than women in their 20s, the U.N. said Thursday, focusing its annual children's survey on the health of their mothers.
Scrawl on the patient with a permanent marker to show where the surgeon should cut. Ask the person's name to make sure you have the right patient. Count sponges to make sure you didn't leave any inside the body. Doctors worldwide who followed a checklist of steps like these cut the death rate from surgery almost in half and complications by more than a third in a large international study of how to avoid blatant operating room mistakes.

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