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You are hereHome > With MBDA Assistance Management Consulting Firm Secures $3.9 Million Contract and Create 25 Jobs

With MBDA Assistance Management Consulting Firm Secures $3.9 Million Contract and Create 25 Jobs

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Company Name: Baker & Co., LLC
Industry Sector: Management Consulting
Results of MBDA Assistance: $3.9 Million Contracts
$75 Thousand Capital

25 Jobs Created and/or Retained
MBDA Support: Access to Contracts
Access to Capital
Strategic Business Consulting


Jim BakerWhere does a business development consultant go when he needs advice developing his own business?  Jim Baker, the founder and principal of Baker & Company, LLC – a company that provides general management consulting services – came to MBDA.

The MBDA Business Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in partnership with The Enterprise Center Capital Corporation, worked with Baker & Company, LLC to secure a  $3.9 million contract award that will create 25 jobs. The Philadelphia MBDA Business Center also provided loan packaging services and a recapitalization plan that resulted in securing $75,000 in financing by working with their local small business banker.

Contact the Philadelphia MBDA Business Center to learn more about the center and this success story.

Posted on October 23, 2012

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