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Minority Enterprise Development Week Conference - Schedule at a Glance

The National Minority Enterprise Development (MED) Week Conference is the Nation’s premier event for minority entrepreneurs and the public and private sectors.

Minority Enterprise Development Week Conference - Schedule at a Glance

MBDA Global Business Development Activity

In FY2011, MBDA began the formal process of institutionalizing efforts to support minority-owned businesses globally.

MBDA Global Business Development Activity

$6.6 Million Investment in Indian Country to Create Jobs & Support Businesses

The U.S. Department of Commerce today announced the winners of a grant competition to spur job creation and economic development in states with large American Indian and Alaska Native populations.

$6.6 Million Investment in Indian Country to Create Jobs & Support Businesses

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Obtain Help to Grow Your BusinessLocate a MBDA Business Center Services How MBDA Helps You?

Business CertificationCertification can significantly help your business gain access to government contracts.

Whether you are just starting a business or your company is already established, you can drastically benefit from these "set aside" contracts. There are several government agencies at the local, state or federal level which offer certification.

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