
Yfrog Blog

Introducing Photo Tagging
September 6, 2011
Photo Tagging

Hi everyone, we are super-thrilled to add photo tagging to yfrog photos! With photo tagging, you can:

  • Tag your friends and family on your photos and have them notified via a tweet.
  • Receive notifications when your friends tag you.
Instant Search of Names

Finding your friend’s screen name was never so simple! Instant search a friend’s name by typing their Twitter username starting with the ‘@’ sign and select their name from the list. Or add a user by typing their real name and selecting from the instant search list.


In addition to the tweet that @mentions you, yfrog will also send a notification when you are tagged by someone else, alerting you instantly to your friends’ latest photos. You must have a yfrog login in addition to the Twitter login for this feature.

We hope you enjoy this feature, feel free to send us feedback!

Email Upload is Back!
July 7, 2011

The email upload is back! We took some time to redo the email upload to make it super-simple and more secure than before. You no longer have to remember your personal email PIN to upload photos any more!

Here is how to use it.

  • Attach the photo you want to upload to an email. NOTE: we accept only one photo per email upload at this time.
  • Add your tweet message as the subject of the email.
  • Send the email to post@yfrog.com, send@yfrog.com or upload@yfrog.com.

Once the email is received by yfrog, we will send you an email with a confirmation link to approve the upload. Click on the confirmation link to preview the photo and the tweet before approving it.

We hope you will find this simplified feature easy to use. As always, contact us if you run into issues.

Yfrog Lunch Contest
June 10, 2011

Yfrog has recently launched a contest! Tweet your lunch for a chance to win a $100 gift card to the restaurant of your choice. We have a $36,000 prize pool and winners are announced daily. More details at http://lunch.yfrog.com.

Email Upload Feature is Live
June 3, 2011

We have reactivated the email upload feature after confirming that it has not been compromised in any way.

Yfrog Security Update
June 2, 2011

At yfrog, we take security very seriously. We monitor all the activity on our site and network 24/7 to make sure we secure our services, especially the photos and videos of our users. Our commitment is to protect our users' photos and make sure they are never lost, deleted by accident, or compromised in any way.

Email Upload Security Explained

The email upload feature was introduced as a convenience for users to send emails with their photos as attachments. The yfrog email PIN is given to the user for the sole purpose of uploading photos only to yfrog. As a private email PIN, it should be treated as confidential information, just like passwords.

To secure further, the user should:

  • not share the email PIN with others.
  • not include other recipients in the emails sent to yfrog to upload photos.
  • not forward to other recipients the emails sent to the email PIN to upload photos to yfrog.
Why we Disabled Email Upload

At yfrog, we constantly evaluate our internal security mechanisms across all the facets of our service. Even though our email upload feature has not been compromised or broken into, we are taking this opportunity to evaluate the feature and secure it even further.

Security is Important to Us

Yfrog serves millions of users and over 2 billion requests worldwide every day with minimal or no attacks or disruptions. As we grow, we will continue to take every measure possible to secure our services so that our users' photos and videos are protected.