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Published on Aug 1, 2012 by

If Congress doesn't act, everyone will see their taxes increase on January 1, 2013. Last week, Senate Democrats passed the president's plan to raise taxes on more than 900,000 small businesses. House Republicans believe that no one should see their taxes go up during the worst unemployment crisis since the Great Depression. That's why we're voting to #StopTheTaxHike on every hardworking American taxpayer and small business and move forward with comprehensive tax reform.


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  • The only hope for the middle class is to get rid of Obama. Study out what he is doing. The taxes, fees, bills, and paperwork for the MIDDLE class is what he plans to pay the deficite with (though that is impossible). He "says" he's taxing the rich but what he is "doing" is obliterating the middle class with taxes and price increases. Watch what he "does" not what he "says".

  • Please, before the rich lose their 5th homes and gold tissue boxes, help them by voting republican The propaganda machine runs always with the GOP. So they work for the people or the rich and big business? 10,000 people a year in the US die from asbestos. Republicans block any proposed bans. 100,000 people globally are murdered from this which has many safe substitutes, why asbestos? The Republican mantra, money over lives. Osama cant touch the murder rate of the GOP

  • The GOP is to be commended for the focus on taxes in order to camouflage their ruthless War on Women. The Fair Pay Act wasn't an act.

  • Bush tax cuts had middle class tax in them. Not just for the

    rich. You do know Obama wants to keep that part of the

    tax cuts RIGHT?

  • Yes fees are taxes, no doubt about it. You should have stopped there. But you liberals start to sound stupid with this safer Earth crap. Give it a rest

  • O'BlahBlah was against raising taxes before he was for it? Democrats created all this massive debt and the unsustainable public pension ponzi-scams and eco-scams that haved destroyed the States budgets. NOW? = they want to blame others for their idiocy and steal the hard earned savings of others. To pay for their boon-doggles. Plain as that!

  • BTW Fees are taxes so don't think you republican'ts are fooling anyone smart

  • Lets get rid of the GOP and not only will the middle class do WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY better but our earth will be in better shape. PLEASE don't be fooled by the REPUBLICAN'TS  b/s

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