
Rehberg Responds to President's Speech to Joint Session of Congress


WASHINGTON, D.C. Montana’s Congressman, Denny Rehberg, today released the following statement in response to President Obama’s address to a Joint Session of Congress on the subject of health care reform.

"August showed in dramatic fashion that the debate in Washington can be very different from what is going on back home. Through sixteen listening sessions across the state, Montanans told me that while our health care system needs reform, especially when it comes to accessibility and affordability, a government takeover is not the answer. That’s why I’ve brought workable alternatives to the table: lawsuit reform, preventative care and insurance pooling for small business must be a part of any effective reform. Congress owes it to the American public to adjourn for 30 days before adopting any healthcare reform so we can once again listen to what they think before rushing head-long into a vote. Montanans won’t remember how fast we fixed this problem, but they will remember how well we fixed it."