
Rehberg Recognized for Leadership in Congress

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Montana’s Congressman, Denny Rehberg, was recognized for promoting “the principles of liberty and the strength of the Constitution,” by the American Conservative Union (ACU), the nation’s oldest and largest conservative grassroots organization.  Rehberg was named an “ACU Conservative” with an 84% percent rating in 2008 based on 25 votes covering taxes, wasteful government spending, cultural issues, defense, and foreign policy.  Rehberg has a 90% lifetime rating with the ACU.

“This award recognizes my core belief that government cannot solve problems alone, and that government is most effective when it empowers individuals with freedom and opportunity,” said Rehberg, a member of the House Appropriations Committee.  “It’s these ideals, along with input from Montanans, that shape my voting record.”

The American Conservative Union was founded in 1964 as a grassroots organization promoting traditional values, a market economy, a strong national defense, and the doctrines of the Constitution.  The ACU has published an annual rating of Congress since 1971 based on 25 votes each in the House and Senate.  Key issues in the second session of the 110th Congress included the financial industry bailouts, stimulus spending, energy policy, illegal immigration, and 2nd Amendment rights.  Rehberg is the only member of the Montana delegation to vote against every bailout and the $1 trillion so-called stimulus package.

“Congressman Rehberg received the ACU Ratings Award for 2008 for his support of conservative principles on a wide range of issues,” said ACU Chairman David A. Keene.  “Congressman Rehberg’s lifetime rating of “90” over 8 years of service reflects a consistent devotion to conservative principles of government.  Denny is a member of Congress that grass roots conservatives in Montana and across the country can look to for leadership.”