
Rehberg Joins Pro-Job Colleagues In Introducing Bipartisan Keystone XL Approval Language

PHOTO - Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-MT-AL) joined by House Colleagues at a press conference held Thursday morning to announce the introduction of the Energizing America through Employment Act.  Email for print quality resolution.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Montana’s Congressman, Denny Rehberg, today joined fellow pro-job colleagues in introducing the Energizing America through Employment Act to immediately approve the Keystone XL jobs project, which will create thousands of private sector jobs including 1,200 in Montana.  Rehberg has cosponsored similar legislation after the President rejected the pipeline permit for political reasons in January.  It was Rehberg’s language, included in a short-term Payroll Tax deal, that forced the President to make a decision before the 2012 election.

“While some folks around this town are still waiting for marching orders from anti-job groups like the League of Conservation Voters, I’ll keep working with anyone I can to get the government out of the way of thousands of new private sector jobs,” said Rehberg.  “This is America, where we take the bull by the horns and solve our own problems.  Let’s cut through this red tape and get politics out of the way of economic recovery.”

Among its provisions, The Energizing America through Employment Act:

    • Provides immediate Congressional approval to allow construction to begin on the portions of the Keystone XL Pipeline in the individual states outside of Nebraska.
    • Declares that the state of Nebraska has the sole authority to approve the route in their state, effectively removing the unnecessary role of the State Department in a purely domestic, state decision.
    • Explicitly states that the unique approval process of the Keystone XL Pipeline does not change the enforcement of the permit. Federal, state, and local authorities currently enforcing pipeline permits will continue to do so with Keystone XL and all future pipelines.
    • Ensures the continued protection of private property rights.

“The Keystone Pipeline is vital to the national interest.  The construction of the pipeline would create 15,000 direct jobs in manufacturing and over 100,000 related jobs.  At a time when 15 million Americans are unemployed, it is irresponsible to not move forward with the project,” said fellow bill sponsor Rep. Dan Boren (D-OK-02).  “Moreover, this is a matter of national security.  The amount of oil the pipeline would allow us to source domestically is nearly as much as we import per day from Saudi Arabia.  Reducing our dependence on foreign oil is critical to both our energy and economic security.”