
Rehberg Announces Call for Montana's Young Artists to Submit Original Artwork for the 2012 Congressional Art Competition

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Montana’s Congressman, Denny Rehberg, today invited Montana high school students to submit their original artwork to Montana’s Congressional Art Competition for a chance to be displayed for a year in the halls of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.

“Each year, the Congressional Art Competition presents a new opportunity for Montana’s young artists to be recognized and rewarded for their talents, which is important to an aspiring artist,” said Rehberg, Chairman of the Labor, House Heath and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Subcommittee. “There’s something inspiring about growing up and living in Montana, with our great outdoor opportunities and rural values. I look forward to viewing the artwork and showing my colleagues Montana’s talent.”

Each spring, the House of Representatives holds the Congressional Art Competition to recognize the outstanding artwork of high school students from each congressional district by displaying their work for one year in the Cannon Tunnel in the U.S. Capitol. The well-traveled Cannon Tunnel connects the U.S. Capitol Building with the House Cannon Office Building. It is used by members of Congress on their way to vote as well as thousands of tourists from around the world every year. The grand prize winner and a guest will also be invited to a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Reception in Washington, D.C. in June.

The competition is open to all students enrolled in a Montana high school or home-school equivalent. All submissions are due by Friday, April 27, 2012.

The first runner-up’s entry will be displayed for the public in Rehberg’s Washington, D.C. office. For the past several years, Rehberg has used his Facebook page as a way to involve Montanans in the judging.  The artwork will be posted and fans will have the opportunity to vote for the finalists.  Further information, including official rules, guidelines, and instructions for submission, can be found online at under the Art Competition heading in the Services tab or by clicking here.