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Rep. Paulsen Holds Medical Technology Roundtable

Eden Prairie, MN – With over 400 medical technology firms in the state, responsible for more than 10,000 jobs, Minnesota’s med tech industry is among the largest and most vibrant in the country. And as co-chair of the Medical Technology Caucus in Congress, Representative Erik Paulsen (MN-03) has made strengthening the industry and fostering the innovation that has made Minnesota a national leader one of his legislative priorities.

“When I took office last year I made becoming an active member of the House Medical Technology Caucus a top priority because I know how important the medical technology industry is to our state. We have a great opportunity; one that I think could lead to Minnesota becoming the Silicon Valley of medical device manufacturing. But to accomplish that, Washington needs to recognize that the process that regulates how med tech firms innovate and develop new devices – 510(k) and P.M.A – is seriously flawed and in need of restructuring.

“In that spirit, I asked representatives of Minnesota’s medical device industry to a meeting to solicit feedback on how we can work together to strengthen the medical device industry and at the same time strengthen our health care system and the American economy.

“What I came away with is that investors and medical device manufacturers simply want a fair and transparent system that is administered by a disinterested governmental body. I think a rigorous, but relevant approval process is entirely reasonable and I look forward to working with my colleagues in Congress and the administration to achieve that outcome.”

Thursday’s Medical Technology Roundtable – held at Rep. Paulsen’s District Office in Eden Prairie and co-hosted with Senator Amy Klobuchar – was the first of what will be regular meetings with industry experts about issues and challenges facing the medical technology industry.

For more information on Rep. Paulsen’s work in Congress, please visit