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Floor Remarks, H.R. 3606, the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act


When it comes to promoting economic growth, no government program is as effective as the old-fashioned drive and ingenuity of hard-working Americans.  But to harness that power -- and the jobs that come with it -- we need to clear a path for the start-ups and fledgling businesses that bring new goods and ideas into the marketplace.  
That’s the purpose of H.R. 3606, the Jumpstart Our Business Startups – or JOBS – Act.
I’m very pleased that this jobs package includes several bills that I’ve had the opportunity to cosponsor and work on closely with my colleagues on the House Financial Services Committee.  
All together, it includes six bipartisan proposals our Committee has reviewed to streamline or eliminate the regulatory and legal barriers that prevent emerging businesses from reaching out to investors, accessing capital, and selling shares on the public market.  
This legislation will make it possible for promising businesses to go public and access financial opportunities that currently are limited to large corporations.  And it eliminates needless costs and delays imposed by the SEC and other regulators.  
These ideas are not partisan or political.  They come from the small business community in districts like mine, where I meet regularly with local employers who tell me that accessing capital is the hardest part of enduring the recession.  Many of these changes have bipartisan backing and have been endorsed by members of the President’s Council on Jobs and Economic Competitiveness. 
I strongly urge my colleagues to support this important jobs package, and unite behind good ideas that will free American businesses to do what they do best.
When it comes to promoting economic growth, no government program is as effective as the old-fashioned drive and ingenuity of hard-working Americans.  But to harness that power -- and the jobs that come with it -- we need to clear a path for the start-ups and fledgling businesses that bring new goods and ideas into the marketplace.  
That’s the purpose of H.R. 3606, the Jumpstart Our Business Startups – or JOBS – Act.
I’m very pleased that this jobs package includes several bills that I’ve had the opportunity to cosponsor and work on closely with my colleagues on the House Financial Services Committee.  

All together, it includes six bipartisan proposals our Committee has reviewed to streamline or eliminate the regulatory and legal barriers that prevent emerging businesses from reaching out to investors, accessing capital, and selling shares on the public market.  

This legislation will make it possible for promising businesses to go public and access financial opportunities that currently are limited to large corporations.  And it eliminates needless costs and delays imposed by the SEC and other regulators.  

These ideas are not partisan or political.  They come from the small business community in districts like mine, where I meet regularly with local employers who tell me that accessing capital is the hardest part of enduring the recession.  Many of these changes have bipartisan backing and have been endorsed by members of the President’s Council on Jobs and Economic Competitiveness. 
I strongly urge my colleagues to support this important jobs package, and unite behind good ideas that will free American businesses to do what they do best.