
NOAA: FY13 Nancy Foster Scholarship Program

Closing Date for Applications: 
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Eligible Applicants: 

The Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program provides support for independent graduate-level studies in oceanography, marine biology, or maritime archaeology (including all science, engineering, social science and resource management of ocean and coastal areas), particularly to women and minorities.


Individuals who are U.S. citizens and are applying to or have been accepted to a graduate program at a U.S. accredited institution may apply. Prospective scholars do not need to be enrolled in a graduate program at the time of application, but must be admitted to a graduate level program in order to be awarded this scholarship. Scholarship selections are based on academic excellence, letters of recommendations, research and career goals, and financial need.



Fundamental Research to Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction

Closing Date for Applications: 
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

This BAA is an extramural endeavor that combines the fundamental research, educational program, or other effort needs of DTRA and other DoD interests. DTRA safeguards America and its allies from weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and provides capabilities to reduce, eliminate and counter the threat and effects from chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high yield explosives. DTRA seeks to identify, adopt, and adapt emerging, existing and revolutionary sciences that may demonstrate high payoff potential to Counter-WMD (C-WMD) threats.


This announcement solicits ideas and topic-based pre-application white papers for long-term challenges that offer a significant contribution to: the current body of knowledge, to the understanding of phenomena and observable facts, to significantly advance revolutionary technology, to new concepts for technology application, or that may have impact on future C-WMD threat reduction or capabilities.


DTRA intends to create an environment where potential applicants are willing to share fundamental research results with the Government. The Government will negotiate terms and conditions to leverage the successful applicants’ advances. The Government seeks to ultimately acquire the best research and development or other CWMD-effort leading to warfighter, government or commercial products, technology and future workforce; while offering the appropriate level of protection of corporate and institutional intellectual property rights, thus encouraging participation by a broad spectrum of leading-edge science and technology developers.



ROSES 2012: Astrophysics Explorer U.S. Participating Investigator

Closing Date for Applications: 
Friday, December 14, 2012

This ROSES program element for Astrophysics Explorer U.S. Participating Investigator (APEX USPI) is released in conjunction with the Second Stand Alone Mission of Opportunity Notice (SALMON-2) Announcement of Opportunity (AO) Program Element Amendment (PEA) L: Astrophysics Explorer Mission of Opportunity.


The purpose is to solicit potential Astrophysics Explorer Mission of Opportunity (MO) investigations in which investigators participate as a Co-I for an instrument, experiment, or technology demonstration that is being built and flown by a sponsor agency other than NASA.


The NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) addresses these strategic goals by conducting programs of astrophysics science designed to address the following science research objectives:


• Understand the origin and destiny of the universe and the nature of black holes, dark energy, dark matter, and gravity;


• Understand the many phenomena and processes associated with galaxy, stellar, and planetary system formation and evolution from the earliest epochs to today; and,


• Generate a census of extra-solar planets and measure their properties.




NSF: Ocean Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

Closing Date for Applications: 
Monday, January 14, 2013
Eligible Applicants: 

The Division of Ocean Sciences is offering Postdoctoral Research Fellowships intended to increase the number of scientists from under-represented groups pursuing research careers in the ocean sciences. In this solicitation, the term under-represented groups will refer to and include the following: women, persons with disabilities, African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Alaska Natives, and Pacific Islanders.


The fellowship program described in this solicitation revolves around postdoctoral research and broadening participation of under-represented groups in ocean sciences. Early-career scientists have the opportunity to direct their efforts within and across traditional disciplinary lines, develop partnerships, and avail themselves of unique research resources, sites and facilities. The postdoctoral fellowship is meant to strategically prepare early career researchers for positions of scientific leadership.



Sea-based Aviation National Naval Responsibility- Propulsion Focus Area

Closing Date for Applications: 
Saturday, February 23, 2013

ONR established National Naval Responsibilities (NNRs) to highlight S&T areas where the Navy and Marine Corps depend primarily on Department of Navy-funded research products.


The SBA NNR was initiated in 2011 to maintain the health, currency, and technical superiority of Sea-based Aviation S&T. Three focus areas have been identified under the SBA NNR and are:


1) Aircraft Research,


2) Structures and


3) Propulsion.



The Propulsion focus area of the SBA NNR will provide innovative research and technology in five sub-areas: Energy Efficient Processes and Subsystems, Turbomachinery and Drive Systems with Enhanced Maintainability, Jet Noise Reduction for Tactical Aircraft, Hot-Section Materials and Coatings, and Small Unmanned Air Vehicle Propulsion.



NASA Space Technology Research Fellowships - FALL 2013

Closing Date for Applications: 
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

NASA’s Office of the Chief Technologist (OCT) seeks to sponsor U.S. citizen and permanent resident graduate student researchers who show significant potential to contribute to NASA’s goal of creating innovative new space technologies for our Nation’s science, exploration and economic future.


This call for graduate student fellowship applications, entitled NASA Space Technology Research Fellowships (NSTRF) – Fall 2013 (NSTRF13), solicits applications from individuals pursuing or planning to pursue master’s (e.g., M.S.) or doctoral (e.g., Ph.D.) degrees in relevant space technology disciplines at accredited U.S. universities. This call is open to students pursuing advanced degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).


The goal of NSTRF is to provide the Nation with a pipeline of highly skilled researchers and technologists to improve America's technological competitiveness. NASA Space Technology Fellows will perform innovative space technology research while building the skills necessary to become future technological leaders.


Selected candidates will perform graduate student research at their respective campuses and at NASA Centers and/or at nonprofit U.S. Research and Development (R&D) laboratories. In addition to his or her faculty advisor, each student will be matched with a technically relevant and community engaged researcher who will serve as the student’s professional mentor.


Through this experience, students will advance their STEM education, gain relevant research experience, and enhance their understanding of the research process. Awards resulting from this competitive selection will be made in the form of training grants to accredited U.S. universities.



ARMY: Deployed War-Fighter Protection

Closing Date for Applications: 
Monday, November 19, 2012

The US Army Contracting Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground Natick Contracting Division, Fort Detrick invites applications for funding for the fiscal year 2013 Deployed War-Fighter Protection Research Program (DWFP), renewable for up to 3 years, administered by the Armed Forces Pest Management Board (AFPMB).


The AFPMB is soliciting proposals for original, innovative research designed to develop new interventions for protection of deployed military personnel from diseases caused by arthropod-borne pathogens. Diseases of significant concern include malaria, leishmaniasis, dengue fever, and other arboviruses.


The program supports development of new toxicants or the adaptation of existing toxicants to relevant vectors; development of new insecticide application techniques; and new personal protection systems. Ideally the research would support the development, evaluation, and registration of new insecticides, or improved formulations of existing insecticides for vector control, new technology or enhanced modalities of personal protection from biting arthropods, or would improve the efficacy and safety of equipment for application of pesticides for public health vector control in a military operational environment.


The research must be primarily applicable to the military but products should be transferable to civilian uses.


Priorities for FY13 include: Effective alternatives to permethrin for military uniform/textile treatment for personal protection against biting flies, mosquitoes and other arthropods; rapid assays for permethrin quantification on clothing in field situations; and field studies to evaluate short and long-term efficacies of permethrin-treated military uniforms with and without topical repellents for protecting deployed military personnel against biting pests and vectors.



NSF: Cyber-Enabled Sustainability Science and Engineering

Closing Date for Applications: 
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Cyber-Enabled Sustainability Science and Engineering (CyberSEES) program aims to advance interdisciplinary research in which the science and engineering of sustainability are enabled by new advances in computing, and where computational innovation is grounded in the context of sustainability problems.


The CyberSEES program is one component of the National Science Foundation's Science, Engineering, and Education for Sustainability (SEES) activities, a foundation-wide effort aimed at addressing the challenge of sustainability through support for interdisciplinary research and education. In the SEES context, a sustainable world is one where human needs are met equitably without harm to the environment or sacrificing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.Computational approaches play a central role in understanding and advancing sustainability.


CyberSEES supports research on all sustainability topics that depend on advances in computational areas including optimization, modeling, simulation, prediction, and inference; large-scale data management and analytics; advanced sensing techniques; human computer interaction and social computing; infrastructure design, control and management; and intelligent systems and decision-making.


Additionally, the widespread, intensive use of computing technologies also introduces sustainability challenges and motivates new approaches across the lifecycle of technology design and use. This program is a joint effort of all of the NSF organizations listed on the cover page and the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC), through its Energy Research Initiative (ERI) program.


While the scope of CyberSEES is broad as detailed herein, the NSF and SRC ERI collaboration within CyberSEES focuses on cyber-enabled sustainability research that addresses computational aspects of smart infrastructures, in particular the smart electric grid.


Additional Information on Eligibility:


*PI Limit: Due to this program's focus on interdisciplinary, collaborative research, a minimum of two collaborating investigators (PIs/Co-PIs) working in different disciplines is required. Applicants are urged to review the interdisciplinary, collaborative expectations of this program - described in the Program Description and Merit Review Criteria - which must be reflected in the project plans and project teams of all competitive proposals.



NSF: Control Systems

Closing Date for Applications: 
Friday, February 15, 2013

The Control Systems (CS) program supports fundamental research on control theory and control technology driven by real life applications. The program emphasis is on paradigm-shifting ideas for control strategies that are inspired by nature, unconventional applications, and the combined roles of feedback, feedforward and uncertainty in systems.


The program supports research that advances fundamental understanding, analysis and synthesis of control strategies and tools based on system formulation, assumptions and constraints that are motivated and derived from real-life applications and/or industry needs.


Integration of novel sensing and actuation concepts that combine feedback, communication and signal processing and analysis to achieve a sensing or actuation objectives are also supported.



FY12 Militarily Relevant Peer Reviewed Alzheimer's Disease Research Program (MRPRA) Military Risk Factors Research Award

Closing Date for Applications: 
Monday, February 4, 2013

Applications to the FY12 Militarily Relevant Peer Reviewed Alzheimer’s Disease ResearchProgram (MRPRA) are being solicited for the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs,Defense Health Program Medical Research and Development Office by the UnitedStates Army Medical Research Acquisitions Activity (USAMRAA).


The Telemedicine andAdvanced Technology Research Center (TATRC) is administering the application process, andUSAMRAA is issuing this Program Announcement and will be negotiating all resulting awards.Military personnel who suffer severe or moderate TBI face an increased risk for developingseveral long-term health problems.


These conditions include Alzheimer's-like dementia,aggression, memory loss, depression, and symptoms similar to those of other neurologicaldiseases. Even mild TBI may be associated with some of these adverse consequences.The mission of the MRPRA is to build an integrated program devoted towards understanding the association between Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and reducingthe burden on those affected especially in the military community.


Therefore, the primary objective of the FY12 MRPRA is to facilitate the development of research tools and clinicaloutcomes that will permit the detection and diagnosis of neurological change found with TBI associated AD. A second, but equally important, objective for the FY12 MRPRA is the development of technologies intended to directly benefit individuals suffering from the symptoms of neurological impairment associated with either TBI or AD.


Research falling under this second objective is intended to either increase or maintain the quality of life of those affectedby the symptoms of either TBI or AD. Research funded through the Military Risk Factors Research Award (MRFA) Program Announcement/Funding Opportunity is intended to facilitate high-impact, systematic, population-based, research into the association between TBI and AD.


The research impact is intended to benefit the military community, while meeting a public purpose for the benefit of the civilian community.




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