Mary Bono Mack

California's 45th District

From Twitter
  • Follow @rep_bonomack on Twitter »
  • Memo to the world: Rise up & condemn the cowardly shooting of #MalalaYousufzai. Freedom for everyone!
  • Kudos to @RepFredUpton for taking lead on fungal meningitis outbreak. @HouseCommerce getting involved.
  • Check out my op-ed @HouseCommerce. Senate needs to follow our lead & reauthorize SAFE WEB Act.
  • Hiring down last month, according to @NFIB. Small businesses are overregulated & over taxed.
  • Just learned from @HouseCommerce that $10 billion in health IT spending may have been squandered. Outrageous!
  • Proud to be named a “Defender of Children” by @Campaign4Kids national advocacy group.
  • Great news. @UCRiverside gets approval for med school to move forward. Proud to be long time supporter.
  • New business survey shows sluggish job growth. Unemployment expected to rise to 8.2%.
  • Spending scandal at @DeptVetAffairs is a shocking misuse of federal funds and a disgrace to all American veterans.
  • .@ONDCP, @NIDAnews offering new tool to train healthcare providers about dangers of painkillers.
  • California’s great natural wonder, Yosemite National Park, celebrates a birthday today. Established by Congress in 1890
  • Here we go again. White House has "inadequate or non-existent" oversight of money going to states as part of Obamacare.
  • DEA holding 5th National Drug Take-Back Day tomorrow from 10-2 pm. Click here to find drop off site near you.
  • ER visits involving misuse/abuse of Rx drugs increased 115% from 2004 - 2010 #endmedicineabuse
  • .@WellsFargo latest bank to be hacked. It’s time for Congress to pass my SAFE DATA Act.
  • Kids who learn about the risks of drugs at home are up to 50% less likely to use them! Talk to your kids and help #endmedicineabuse
  • Sad to hear of death of singer #AndyWilliams. His sunny outlook & “Moon River” brightened our lives.
  • Federal Trade Commission established on this day in 1914. My Subcommittee has jurisdiction over the agency.
  • Every day, more than 2,000 kids abuse prescription drugs for the first time #endmedicineabuse
  • Someone dies every 19 minutes from a drug overdose in the U.S. Help #endmedicineabuse
  • More Americans die from drug overdoses than in car crashes. #endmedicineabuse
  • 223 years ago today, the first Congress approved the Bill of Rights & sent them to the states for ratification.
  • ICYMI, I will be on C-SPAN 2 tonight at 8 pm (EDT) to discuss the explosive growth in mobile apps.
  • On Sept. 24, 1789, Congress passed the Judiciary Act, creating the Supreme Court. John Jay served as our first chief justice.
  • On a more somber note, new report shows Rx drug abuse among adults & kids 12-17 is unchanged.
  • Is the tide turning? The number of young people abusing Rx drugs declined last year, but still too high!
  • Looking forward to seeing You! PT @HeyTammyBruce: This independent woman will see you at @IWF dinner honoring #WomanofValor @Rep_BonoMack
  • RT @MarthasVillage: National Drug Take-Back Day is Sat. Indio PD and Sheriff designated drop-off for unused drugs: ...
  • DEA holding national drug take-back day on Saturday. Click here to learn more. Help spread the word!
  • To receive a copy of this week’s newsletter, A Minute With Mary, click here:
  • Urging @Interior Dept & @EPAgov to get more involved in efforts to save Salton Sea.
  • This is POW/MIA Recognition Day. Say a prayer. Remember their sacrifices.
  • Important hearing being held by @HouseCommerce on #LightSquared fiasco. Click here to watch:
  • Here's today's Legislative Floor Schedule for the House:
  • Just voted to prevent Obama administration from waiving work requirements of ‘96 welfare reform law. Passed 233-182.
  • New report says substance abuse contributing to military suicides. We need to do more to help.
  • Today @HouseCommerce passes health bills to protect seniors & taxpayers. Good, common sense measures!
  • I strongly supported 4 bills @HouseCommerce guided through the House. Two thumbs up, Chairman Upton.
  • Here’s a very good story exposing the truth about welfare work requirements. It’s worth a read!
  • My colleagues @HouseCommerce are holding a great hearing on energy initiatives. Click here to watch:
  • Here's today's Legislative Floor Schedule for the House:
  • Just voted to prevent the use of taxpayer funds for national party conventions. Passed House 310-95. This needs to end!
  • Saturday at 6:30 pm (EDT), I will be appearing on @CSPAN to talk about important online & tech issues.
  • Here’s tomorrow’s House floor schedule. I will be leading debate on HR 5910 & HR 4212.
  • This week, @energyandcommerce to probe FCC’s handling of LightSquared. Something's not “squared".
  • Healthcare legislation tops list of E&C Committee action this week. Click here for more info:
  • Rosh Hashana holiday celebrates the creation of the world. According to the Jewish calendar, it has reached the age of 5,773.
  • On this day in history, the U.S. Constitution was ratified in 1787 after a hard-fought battle. God bless America!
  • For a copy of this week’s newsletter, A Minute With Mary, click here:
  • House votes to phase out DOE’s mismanaged loan guarantee program. #NoMoreSolyndras!
  • Follow the Republican Women’s Policy Committee on Facebook. New group, new ideas!
  • Here's today's Legislative Floor Schedule for the House:
  • Spectrum is key to future of wireless technology. Here’s my opening statement:
  • At spectrum hearing, not all the focus is on wireless. I told a witness @USCFootball is “wired” to win a championship. #GoTrojans
  • Here's today's Legislative Floor Schedule for the House. CR vote is key:
  • Freeing up spectrum for our wireless world is critically important. Great hearing going on now
  • Thank you for watching! RT @altondrew: @rep_bonomack One of the better done hearings. Kudos. #mobile
  • At my urging & to create jobs, House passes American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act.
  • WATCH LIVE: My hearing on how the “apps economy” is impacting the U.S. economy begins at 9:45 EDT. Click here:
  • The House has unanimously approved my legislation to reauthorize the U.S. SAFE WEB Act, which protects American consumers from online fraud.
  • September is World Alzheimer’s Month – wear purple to raise awareness & stop the stigma!
  • If you’d like to receive my weekly newsletter, "A Minute With Mary", signup here New one going out today. Thanks!
  • Weak jobs report & White House says, “we have a plan.” News Flash: It’s not working!
  • Disappointing news. @NFIB says zero job growth for small businesses. White House needs to wake up!
  • A hero has come home. Sgt. Clifford Ryan, who was killed in Korea in 1950, will be buried at Riverside Nat'l Cemetery.
  • A hero came home today. Army Sgt. Clifford Ryan, who was killed in Korea in 1950, will be buried at Riverside National Cemetery....
  • TODAY marks one year since #Solyndra – the #ObamaAdmins stimulus "success story" - filed for Chap 11 bankruptcy.
  • White House not worried about jobs report? What’s new? They haven’t cared for 3 ½ years!
  • .@USAToday says President Obama suffers from deficit-attention disorder. This disease is killing our economy!
  • President vowed to cut debt in half. Instead raised it by a third. Totally irresponsible.
  • U.S. debt hits staggering $16 trillion. It’s increased by $5 trillion plus since President Obama took office.
  • Hackers claim to have 1 million plus Apple IDs. Points to need for my SAFE DATA Act.
  • Two thumbs up to @HouseCommerce for website update. Easy to use; great information.
  • Manufacturing dipped sharply last month. Time for Senate to pass House #jobs bills.
  • Neil Armstrong said hello to the universe. Today a grateful nation says good-bye to him.
  • To sign up for my weekly newsletter, A Minute With Mary, please go to Thanks!
  • This is “Overdose Awareness Day.” Join the movement. Save a life!
  • RT @ben_goad: Connie Mack, husband of @Rep_BonoMack kicking off evening of speeches: "This is America, and it's morning once again." Cue ...
  • It was once written, “This nation will remain the land of the free so long as it remains the home of the brave.” God bless Suresh Krause.
  • Funeral today for fallen hero Suresh Krause. Thanks to Lt. Gen. Temple for delivering my eulogy.
  • My thoughts & prayers go out to Gulf Coast residents who are feeling the fury of Hurricane Isaac.
  • LISTEN LIVE: I will be co-hosting the Mike Huckabee national radio show from 1-2 pm EDT.
  • Last night was all about real love, tough love and Mia love! What a night! #gop2012
  • I’m very disappointed, but hardly surprised, that Gov. Brown is backtracking on pension reform.
  • War on women? Baloney. Liz Cheney has it right!
  • Reports say Sen. Specter is seriously ill. My thoughts & prayers go out to him and his family.
  • Funeral for Suresh Krause will be Thursday. Suresh was killed while piloting a helicopter in Afghanistan. I will never forget him.
  • Saddened to hear of the death of American hero & icon Neil Armstrong. He leaves a "giant" legacy.
  • From cheers to jeers. Lance Armstrong will never know if he could have won without cheating.
  • Russia set to join the WTO. Now we can keep one eye on the Chinese & the other on the Russians!
  • GOP platform committee does not speak for me. Life is precious, abortion is a terrible choice, but one that the gov't shouldn't decide.
  • My thoughts and prayers go out to the family & friends of Cathedral City's Suresh Krause who has been killed in Afghanistan.
  • I was totally appalled by Todd Akin's comments about rape. They were offensive & demeaning.
  • Forest Service plans to resume wildfire night flying next year. Good news!
  • Please say a prayer for our firefighters who have their hands full battling a blaze near Aguanga. Nearly 3,000 acres burned.
  • Shameful decision by Ecuador to grant asylum to Wikileaks founder & accused sex offender. What were they thinking?
  • Iran threatens to disconnect from the Internet, closing off its people from the rest of the world.
  • I've sent a letter to @SenatorReid urging Senate to take up my Internet freedom bill. Passed 414-0 in House!
  • Thanks @DennisDMZ. I enjoyed being on your radio show today. Love your humor & perspective.
  • Should the U.S. tax our Olympic medal winners? Read why I’m opposed to it in USA Today.