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Protecting the B-1 Bomber - House Action on Payroll Tax Extension - NDAA Detainee Language - E-Newsletter Change - Merry Christmas!

-- Randy’s Roundup --

A Weekly Newsletter from Congressman Randy Neugebauer

December 19, 2011

Protecting the B-1 Bomber

Earlier this year, President Obama included a plan in his budget to retire six B-1 bombers in 2012. I am, and continue to be, concerned about the impact of this proposal not just on Dyess Air Force Base, but also on the B-1 bomber fleet and our national security as a whole. Our next generation long-range bomber is at least a decade from rolling off of the production line. Until then, we need to protect and preserve the assets we have.

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which passed the House and the Senate last week, included language I initiated regarding the B-1. While the legislation allows for some B-1 retirements, it reduces the initial number from the proposed six to only three.  In addition, these retirements will come from the training aircraft, not the combat fleet.  Over the next five years, three additional planes may be retired. Also, the Air Force must outline for Congress a long-term plan for the B-1 by outlining how any savings will be spent, and most importantly, how they plan to maintain the rest of the fleet for the next ten years. This is a significant improvement over the President’s plan because it gives the Air Force and Congress the chance to carefully evaluate the impact of reducing our bomber fleet before the next generation bomber comes online.

While I have grave concerns regarding the impact of retiring even a single B-1, in this fiscal environment all options are on the table. I will closely monitor this retirement process, and carefully evaluate the plan to keep the B-1 in the skies protecting our nation. I am proud to represent the men and women at Dyess Air Force Base, and this bill will allow the Dyess community to continue to play a vital role in keeping Americans safe.

House Action on Payroll Tax Extension

Last week, the House passed the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act. This bill would extend the payroll tax holiday and unemployment insurance for one year, as well as maintain payments for doctors who treat Medicare patients for two years. After negotiations between Senate Democrats and Senate Republicans, the Senate passed a bill that would extend these programs only until February.

If the Senate bill is signed into law, Congress will have to revisit the issue again in two months. The House is now considering a legislative conference of the two bills to work out the differences before the payroll tax holiday expires on December 31, 2011. At this point in time, the Senate is refusing to reconvene to find common ground.

NDAA Detainee Language

Regarding the National Defense Authorization Act, concerns have been raised about the right of the administration to detain U.S. citizens associated with terrorist groups.  Last week, I addressed this issue on my website. To read more information on this and what I think about it, click here.

E-Newsletter Change

In the coming weeks, my office is changing the process we use to send out Randy’s Roundup. Nothing will change when you receive the email. However, if you notice you are not receiving the Roundup in the next few weeks, please contact my Washington, DC office at (202) 225-4005 or sign up for the Roundup again on my website.

Merry Christmas!

During this season of hope and joy, we thank God for the many blessings He has bestowed upon our great nation. I am thankful for the opportunity to serve the people of 19th Congressional District in Congress. Your prayers and support throughout the year are a true blessing. I am also thankful for our troops—many who are away from their homes and families this holiday season. We thank them for their sacrifices and devoted service.

May the joy of the season bring hope to you and your family, and may we never forget the greatest gift of all, the reason we celebrate, Jesus Christ our Lord. Dana and I wish you a very Merry Christmas.