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2011 in Review - Payroll Tax Update - End of the War in Iraq - The National Guard's 375th Birthday - Welcome 2012

-- Randy’s Roundup --

A Weekly Newsletter from Congressman Randy Neugebauer

December 26, 2011

2011 in Review

2011 was a significant and historic year in Congress. The House of Representatives passed 28 jobs bills that encourage economic growth in the private sector. I voted for legislation that would cut government spending, get our fiscal house in order and restore fiscal discipline. I have opposed every government bailout that rewards bad behavior and sticks taxpayers with the bill. I have also opposed, and will continue to fight against, President Obama’s health care law.

I proposed legislation to protect the B-1 bomber, which was included in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which passed the House and the Senate on December 14th and 15th respectively. The language decreases the number of bombers to be retired within the next year by half and will require longer term guidelines be established by the Air Force for the B-1. I also introduced the CROP Act, which will improve the crop insurance program for farmers and ranchers by offering them additional cost-effective area-wide insurance options.

This year, I also introduced legislation that would prevent excessive government spending. H.J.Res. 24 would establish an amendment to the U.S. Constitution requiring a two-thirds vote in the House and Senate to raise taxes. H.J.Res. 63 would establish an amendment to the Constitution requiring a two-thirds vote in the House and Senate to raise the national debt limit. H.R. 206 would prevent a large middle class tax increase by making marriage tax relief, death tax reform and lower income tax rates permanent.

In next week’s Randy’s Roundup, “Looking Ahead to 2012.”

Payroll Tax Update

Last week, the House and Senate passed the Temporary Payroll Tax Cut Continuation Act of 2011. This bill would extend the payroll tax holiday and unemployment insurance for two months, as well as maintain payments for doctors who treat Medicare patients. I expect Congress to take up this issue again when we reconvene in January.

End of the War in Iraq

On December 18th, the last American troops in Iraq crossed the border into Kuwait, ending the United States’ presence in the country since March 2003. To every member of the military who served in Iraq, welcome home. I wish you every success and happiness as you return to your families and friends. To see more of my thoughts on this subject, visit my website.

The National Guard’s 375th Birthday

On December 13th, the National Guard celebrated its 375th birthday. Since 1636, the National Guard has remained a critical part of the United States’ Armed Forces. Comprised of citizen-soldiers and airmen, they provide communities with protection from natural disasters and relief from their aftermath. National Guardsmen deploy to far-away countries to defend the United States’ interests abroad. I am proud to know many members of the National Guard, and continue to pray for them as they devote their lives to helping others and serving their country.

Welcome 2012

Dana and I wish everyone a very blessed and Happy New Year!