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Congressman Alexander votes in support of H.R. 2587, the Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act

CONTACT: Jamie Hanks | (202) 225-8490

Congressman Alexander: “It is inconceivable that the American government could, and would, tell a business where it can and cannot do business in this country”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Rodney Alexander (R-Quitman) today cast a vote in support of H.R. 2587, the Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act, which passed in the House of Representatives. This legislation would prevent the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) from making decisions on where businesses can and cannot locate. 

Recently, among a number of controversial, anti-business positions the NLRB has taken, the board has targeted a legitimate business decision by the Boeing Corporation. Due to increasing demand, Boeing sought to expand their production of 787 Dreamliner airplanes.  While the original assembly line is based in Puget Sound, Wash., a union facility, Boeing determined that the new final assembly line would be based in Charleston, S.C., a right-to-work state. 

The NLRB claims that Boeing’s decision is an “unfair labor practice” because it transfers or removes work in retaliation for past union strikes and punishes union membership; therefore, the NLRB has ordered Boeing to operate its second assembly line in Washington, not South Carolina. Boeing has vehemently rejected any claim that it is punishing its unionized labor. Far from punishing its workers, Boeing plans to add 5,000 jobs to the Washington Facility.

“This legislation would nullify the NLRB’s stance against Boeing and prevent the board from taking such harmful actions in the future,” Alexander said. “It is inconceivable that the American government could, and would, tell a business where it can and cannot do business in this country. It should be up to each business—not the government—to determine the best place to conduct its business operations. Such government intrusion, like that of the NLRB, will only serve to frustrate American businesses to the point that they relocate overseas. This is unacceptable.

“I am proud to support this legislation that would prevent similar government wrongdoings in the future. Given the current, unstable economic recovery and high unemployment rate, our government should be doing everything possible to create favorable circumstances for business growth. The NLRB must not be allowed to continue hindering our employers’ rights and driving their businesses out of the country.”   

U.S. Rep. Rodney Alexander, R-Quitman, represents Louisiana’s 5th Congressional District and serves on the House Appropriations Committee.
