USCapitol's photostream / Tags / art


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Car of History Clock by USCapitol

Brumidi Corridors by USCapitol

William Brewster by USCapitol

Telegraph by USCapitol

Boston Massacre, 1770 by USCapitol

George Washington with Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton by USCapitol

Columbia Welcoming the South Back into the Union by USCapitol

War by USCapitol

Benjamin Henry Latrobe by USCapitol

Charles Bulfinch by USCapitol

Thomas U. Walter by USCapitol

Elliott Woods by USCapitol

Frederick Law Olmsted by USCapitol

George M. White by USCapitol

Washington, 1800 by USCapitol

The Storming of Stony Point, 1779 by USCapitol

J. George Stewart by USCapitol

John Trumbull by USCapitol

David Lynn by USCapitol

Thomas Crawford by USCapitol

Trenton, 1784 by USCapitol

Washington, 1815 by USCapitol

Washington, 1829 by USCapitol

Annapolis, 1783 by USCapitol

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(224 uploads)
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