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Homeland Security

  • 49. H.R. 559, to require the Department of Homeland Security to establish a timely and fair process for appeal and redress for individuals who believe they were delayed or prohibited from boarding a commercial aircraft because they were wrongly identified as a threat when screened against any terrorist watch list or database. Yes. Passed 413-3, under suspension of rules. 2/3/09.
  • 147. H.R. 1617, to require the Department of Homeland Security to designate full-time privacy officials for certain components of the department, including the Transportation Security Administration, Customs and Border Protection, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the Coast Guard and provide that officials would advise on privacy consideration for new laws or regulations, and monitor privacy training and compliance with privacy laws. Yes. Passed 412-3, under suspension of rules. 3/24/09.
  • 148. H.R. 730, to authorize $30 million annually from FYs 2009-2011 for the Department of Homeland Security to develop the capacity to trace nuclear and radiological material back to its source, establish a national technical nuclear forensics center and promote continued study of nuclear forensics. Yes. Passed 402-16, under suspension of rules. 3/24/09.
  • 208. H.R. 1746, on passage of the bill to authorize the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s pre-disaster mitigation program and increase the minimum amount a state can receive to $575,000, but maintain an existing requirement that states receive the lesser of that amount or 1 percent of funds annually appropriated for the program and stipulate funds given to states not exceed 15 percent of the amount annually appropriated for the program. Yes. Passed 339-56, under suspension of rules. 4/27/09.
  • 304. H.R. 2200, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) reauthorization. Amendment to allow the TSA to issue a regulation or security directive to respond to an imminent threat of finite duration and require the TSA to comply with rulemaking requirements when a security directive or emergency order has been in place for more than 180 days. Yes. Passed 219-211. 6/4/09.
  • 305. H.R. 2200. Amendment to prohibit the use of whole-body imaging technology as the primary method of airport security screening, but allow whole-body imagining to be used if a passenger is not allowed to board a plane based on another screening method; require screeners to provide passengers with information on the operation of the technology and the option of a pat-down search as an alternative, and prohibit whole-body screening images from being stored, transferred, shared or copied after a passenger’s boarding determination is made. Yes. Passed 310-118. 6/4/09.
  • 306. H.R. 2200. Amendment requiring that the names of all detainees at the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, be added to the no-fly list unless the president certifies that the detainee does not pose a threat to the United States. Yes. Passed 412-12. 6/4/09. [Note: a motion to recommit the bill to the Homeland Security Committee with instructions directed the committee to add the amendment.]
  • 307. H.R. 2200. On passage of the bill to authorize funding for the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and require TSA to ensure that the number of explosive detection canine teams devoted to surface security is not less than 250, direct TSA to establish a system to verify all air cargo screening on inbound foreign passenger flights, require flight attendants to complete five hours of self-defense training within a two-year period, and authorize the hiring of a minimum of 200 additional surface transportation inspectors in fiscal 2010, and 100 in fiscal 2011, among other provisions. Yes. Passed 397-25. 6/4/09.
  • 435. H.R. 2892, FY 2010 Homeland Security appropriations. Amendment to increase funding for firefighter assistance grants by $10 million, state and local programs by $7 million and U.S. Customs and Border Protection salaries and expenses by $4.9 million, and offset the increases by a reduction in funds provided for the Homeland Security Department’s Office of the Secretary and Executive Management by $17 million and the Office of the Under Secretary for Management by $5.9 million; and prohibit the use of funds in the bill for first class travel, to close or transfer the operations of the Federal Emergency Management Administration’s Florida Long Term Recovery Office, or to impose negative personnel action against any department employee who uses a surgical mask, respirator, gloves or hand sanitizer when engaging with the public. Yes. Passed 345-85. 6/24/09.
  • 436. H.R. 2892. Amendment to increase the amount provided for customs and border protection by $34 million and offset the increase by a reduction in the amount provided for the Homeland Security Department’s Office of the Secretary and Executive Management by $6 million, Office of the Under Secretary of Management by $14 million, Office of the Chief Financial Officer by $3 million and Chief Information Officer’s salaries and expenses by $18 million. Yes. Passed 375-55, 6/24/09.
  • 437. H.R. 2892. Amendment to increase the amount provided for the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office’s research and operations by $50 million and offset the increase by a reduction of $45 million for the Homeland Security Department’s Office of the Under Secretary of Management and $5 million for the Office of the Secretary and Executive Management. Yes. Passed 282-148. 6/24/09.
  • 438. H.R. 2892. Amendment to increase the amount provided for the U.S. immigration and customs enforcement Visa Security Program by $1.7 million and offset the increase by a reduction of the same amount for the Homeland Security Department’s Office of the Secretary and Executive Management. Yes. Passed 423-6. 6/24/09.
  • 439. H.R. 2892. Amendment to decrease the amount provided for U.S. customs border and protection salaries and expenses by $1 million and immediately increase that funding by $1 million and redirect the funds toward removal of the lookout posts established along the U.S.-Mexico border. Yes. Passed 240-187. 6/24/09.
  • 440. H.R. 2892. Amendment to decrease the amount provided for the federal air marshals program by $40 million, from $860 million to $820 million. No. Failed 134-294. 6/24/09.
  • 441. H.R. 2892. Amendment to increase the amount provided for the National Pre-disaster Mitigation Fund by $32 million and offset the increase by a reduction of the same amount for the Federal Emergency Management Agency management and administration account. Yes. Failed 202-230. 6/24/09.
  • 442. H.R. 2892. Amendment to prohibit the use of funds in the bill to employ illegal workers, as defined in the Immigration and Nationality Act. Yes. Passed 349-84. 6/24/09.
  • 443. H.R. 2892. Amendment to decrease the amount provided for the Transportation Security Administration for aviation security by $1 billion, customs and border protection by $680 million and the Federal Emergency Management Agency by $610 million, Homeland Security Department’s Office of the Under Secretary for Management by $200 million, Office of the Inspector General by $5 million, the Coast Guard by $98 million and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement automation modernization activities by $20 million. No. Failed 113-318. 6/24/09.
  • 444. H.R. 2892. Amendment to prohibit funds appropriated in the bill for the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s National Pre-disaster Mitigation Fund from being used for grants to the city of Emeryville, California. Yes. Failed 110-322. 6/24/09.
  • 445. H.R. 2892. Amendment to prohibit funds appropriated in the bill for the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s National Pre-disaster Mitigation Fund from being used for grants to the Harris County Flood Control District in Texas. No. Failed 82-348. 6/24/09.
  • 446. H.R. 2892. Amendment to prohibit the use of funds appropriated in the bill for the National Institute for Hometown Security in Kentucky and reduce the amount provided for science and technology research, development, acquisition and operations by $10 million. No. Failed 114-317. 6/24/09.
  • 447. H.R. 2892. Amendment to prohibit the use of funds appropriated in the bill for an award to Global Solar in Arizona for portable solar charging rechargeable battery systems and reduce the amount provided for customs and border protection salaries and expenses by $800,000. No. Failed 110-318. 6/24/09.
  • 448. H.R. 2892. Amendment to prohibit funds appropriated in the bill from being available to SEARCH of Sacramento, California, for interoperable communications, technical assistance and outreach programs and reduce the amount provided in the bill by $1 million. No. Failed 112-320. 6/24/09.
  • 449. H.R. 2892. Motion to recommit the bill to the Appropriations Committee with instructions to immediately report it back with language increasing the amount provided for U.S. citizenship and immigration services’ basic pilot program by $50 million and offset the increase by a reduction of the same amount for the Homeland Security Department’s Office of the Under Secretary for Management. Yes. Passed 234-193. 6/24/09.
  • 450. H.R. 2892. On passage of the bill to provide $44 billion in FY 2010 appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security and related activities, and require the department to conduct threat assessments of detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, put the detainees on the “no-fly” list and deny them immigration benefits. Yes. Passed 389-37. 6/24/09.
  • 746. H.R. 2892. Motion to instruct House conferees on the FY 2010 homeland security appropriations to recede to a Senate provision that would allow the defense secretary to decide whether to make public photos of Guantanamo Bay detainees; insist on provisions to require that Guantanamo Bay detainees be on the no-fly list and be prohibited from entering the United States, and withhold approval of the final conference agreement unless it has been available to the managers for at least 72 hours. Yes. Passed 258-163. 10/1/09.
  • 783. H.R. 2892. Motion to recommit the conference report on FY 2010 homeland security appropriations to the conference committee with instructions that managers not accept language allowing detainees held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to be brought into the United States or its territories for prosecution or incarceration. Yes. Failed 193-224. 10/15/09.
  • 784. H.R. 2892. To adopt the conference report to provide $44.1 billion in FY 2010 appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security and related activities. Yes. Passed 307-114. 10/15/09.
  • 869. H.R. 2868, chemical facility safety. Amendment to make technical corrections and allow the secretary of Homeland Security to release information on chemical plants that is not detrimental to the safety of the facility, or if it has been obtained through a third-party source. No. Passed 253-168. 11/6/09.
  • 870. H.R. 2868. Amendment to allow new federal chemical facility regulations to preempt state and local laws that “hinder, pose obstacles to, or frustrate the purpose of the federal program.” Yes. Failed 165-262. 11/6/09.
  • 871. H.R. 2868. Amendment to strike provisions on chemical facilities and reauthorize the existing chemical plant safety program administered by the Department of Homeland Security until October 1, 2012. Yes. Failed 186-241. 11/6/09.
  • 872. H.R. 2868. Amendment to strike provisions to require chemical facility operators to investigate and implement methods to prevent the adverse impact of a terrorist attack. Yes. Failed 193-236. 11/6/09.
  • 873. H.R. 2868. Amendment to strike provisions to permit citizens to file a lawsuit against anyone in violation of the safety regulations in the underlying bill. Yes. Failed 196-232. 11/6/09.
  • 874. H.R. 2868. Motion to recommit the bill to the Homeland Security Committee with instructions to immediately report it back with an amendment stating implementing methods to reduce consequences of a terrorist attack on a chemical facility must not significantly or demonstrably reduce the operations of the covered chemical facility or result in any net reduction in private sector employment when national unemployment is above 4 percent. Yes. Failed 189- 236. 11/6/09.
  • 875. H.R. 2868. On passage of the bill to the Department of Homeland Security to conduct assessments and codify security standards for chemical plants; direct the agency to identify chemical plants according to a risk-based tier system; require plant operators to submit site security plans and establish training standards and background checks for employees; authorize the EPA to regulate the security of community water systems serving more than 3,300 people and other public water systems that present a security risk, and authorize grants to states and nonprofits to help develop security plans for covered public water systems. No. Passed 230-193. 11/6/09.
  • 899. H.R. 3791, fire grants reauthorization. Amendment to require the Homeland Security secretary to conduct a survey of fire departments to determine compliance with best practices for personnel and safety issues and establish a task force to increase firefighter safety. Yes. Passed 358-75. 11/18/09.
  • 900. H.R. 3791. Amendment to prohibit congressionally directed spending of funds appropriated to carry out the bill’s provisions. Yes. Passed 371-63. 11/18/09.
  • 901. H.R. 3791. On passage of the bill to authorize Federal Emergency Management Agency grant programs for firefighting organizations. Yes. Passed 395-31. 11/18/09.
  • 922. H.R. 3980, to require the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) administrator to submit a report to Congress that identifies redundant rules and regulations for FEMA grant recipients and includes a plan to improve methods of measuring performances. Yes. Passed 414-0, under suspension of rules. 12/2/09.
  • 972. H.R. 1517, to authorize the commissioner of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection to convert employees serving a limited overseas appointment to a permanent position if they have successfully completed two years of service. Yes. Passed 414-1, under suspension of rules. 12/15/09.
  • 973. H.R. 3978, to authorize the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security to accept gifts of property or services related to terrorism preparedness and response and require the secretary to submit an annual report to Congress on gifts received by the agency. Yes. Passed 413-1, under suspension of rules. 12/15/09.