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District Columbia

344. H.R. 2587, FY 2000 District of Columbia appropriations. Amendment to prohibit the District of Columbia from using any federal, local or other funds for a needle exchange program. Yes. Passed 241-187. 7/29/99.

345. H.R. 2587. Amendment to strike language in the bill that would bar the use of federal or local funds to seek a court ruling on District of Columbia voting representation in Congress. Yes. Failed 214-214. 7/29/99.

346. H.R. 2587. Amendment to bar joint adoptions in the District of Columbia by individuals who are not related by blood or marriage. Yes. Failed 213-215. 7/29/99.

347. H.R. 2587. On passage of the bill to provide $453 million in FY 2000 funds for the District of Columbia, and approve the District’s own $6.8 billion FY 2000 budget. Yes. Passed 333-92. 7/29/99.

404. H.R. 2587. To adopt the conference report to the bill to provide $429.1 million in FY 2000 appropriations as the federal payment to the District of Columbia and approve the DC government’s $6.8 billion budget. Yes. Passed 208-206. 9/9/99.

504. H.R. 3064, on passage of the bill to provide $429.1 million in FY 2000 appropriations as the federal payment to the District of Columbia and approve the district’s $6.8 billion budget. Yes. Passed 211-205. 10/14/99.

562. H.R. 3194, to provide $429.1 million in FY 2000 appropriations for the District of Columbia and approve the District’s $6.8 billion budget. Yes. Passed 216-210. 11/3/99.