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Notes from Brett: Our Mission Ahead

Every two years, Members of Congress take a solemn oath to support and defend the Constitution, and we are reminded of our responsibility to protect the future of our nation, no matter how difficult the decisions.

Our country is facing challenging times. The American people made it clear that the policies pushed through over the last two years were unacceptable.

I am proud to be a part of a new Congress, one dedicated to shrinking our deficits, controlling federal spending, repealing job-destroying policies, and limiting the size and scope of the government.

Both parties are to blame for the current fiscal situation. Nearly one in ten Americans are looking for work and reckless government spending has done nothing to create jobs. Our total national debt has grown to over $14 trillion.

That is why over the past few weeks the House voted to reduce Congress’ budgets, repeal the health care law, and passed numerous bills to chip away at the absurd spending in Washington. I am proud we have shown that we can make the tough choices needed to put our nation back on the path toward fiscal responsibility.

As Congress looks forward, these fiscal challenges remind us that being good stewards of taxpayer dollars requires difficult decisions to be made; decisions that won’t be without sacrifice.

You will see this demonstrated over the next few weeks as Congress takes up the continuing resolution to fund the government, works on the 2012 budget and finds opportunities to reduce spending. I know we can work together to enact policies that will bring prosperity back to our nation.

We will continue to listen to the American people and I urge you to continue to contact me with your thoughts and ideas on specific ways that Congress can restore fiscal responsibility. I am thankful for the opportunity to represent you in our nation's capital and look forward to continuing to work with you to address the critical issues facing our nation.