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Treasury And General Government

5. H.R. 93, to increase the mandatory retirement age for federal firefighters from 55 to 57, bringing it in line with the retirement age for federal law enforcement officers. Yes. Passed 401-0, under suspension of rules. 1/30/01.

11. H.R. 132, to name a post office in Lanai City, Hawaii, the "Goro Hokama Post Office Building." Yes. Passed 413-0, under suspension of rues. 2/7/01.

18. H.R. 558, to designate a U.S. courthouse in Allentown, Pennsylvania, as the "Edward N. Cahn Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse." Yes. Passed 412-0, under suspension of rules. 2/28/01.

19. H.R. 621, to designate a federal building in Van Nuys, California, as the "James C. Corman Federal Building." Yes. Passed 413-0, under suspension of rules. 2/28/01.

151. H.R. 2043, to designate a post office in Kokomo, Indiana, as the "Elwood Haynes ‘Bud’ Hillis Post Office Building." Yes. Passed 407-0, under suspension of rules. 6/5/01.

259. S. 468, to name a federal building in Van Nuys, California, the "James C. Corman Federal Building." Yes. Passed 381-0, under suspension of rules. 7/23/01.

268. H.R. 2590, FY 2002 treasury appropriations. Amendment to strike a provision that allows the U.S. Navy to pay electric and other utility bills for the vice president’s residence. No. Failed 141-285. 7/25/01.

269. H.R. 2590. Amendment to strike a provision that allows the U.S. Navy to accept donated goods, including food and beverages, for use at official events at the vice president’s residence. No. Failed 151-274. 7/25/01.

270. H.R. 2590. Amendment as a substitute to prohibit the use of funds in the bill to enforce travel restrictions on U.S. citizens to Cuba, rather that make the same prohibition but provide that it would go into effect only after the president has certified to Congress that Cuba has released all political prisoners and has returned to the U.S. government all individuals sought by it on charges of air piracy, drug trafficking and murder. No. Passed 240-186. 7/25/01.

271. H.R. 2590. Amendment to prohibit use of funds in the bill to carry out the U.S. economic embargo of Cuba. No. Failed 201-227. 7/25/01.

272. H.R. 2590. Amendment to prohibit the use of funds in the bill for bonuses and incentive payments to senior management at the Internal Revenue Service. No. Failed 24-401. 7/25/01.

273. H.R. 2590. Amendment to prohibit the use of funds in the bill to implement the final report of President Bush’s Commission to Strengthen Social Security. No. Failed 188-238. 7/25/01.

274. H.R. 2590. On passage of the bill to provide $32.7 billion in FY 2002 appropriations for the Treasury Department, including the Internal Revenue Service and Customs Service; U.S. Postal Service; the Executive Office of the President, and certain independent agencies. Yes. Passed 334-94. 7/25/01.

336. H.R. 1766, to name a U.S. Postal Service building in Annandale, Virginia, the "Stan Parris Post Office Building," in honor of former Congressman Stan Parris. Yes. Passed 362-0, under suspension of rules. 9/10/01.

337. H.R. 1761, to name a U.S. Postal Service building in Alexandria, Virginia, the "Herb E. Harris Post Office Building," in honor of former Congressman Herb Harris. Yes. Passed 365-0, under suspension of rules. 9/10/01.

360. H.R. 169, to strengthen federal agencies’ compliance with anti-discrimination and whistleblower protection laws by requiring that they pay for employee claims resulting in judgments against them out of their own budgets, to better notify federal employees about relevant laws, and to mandate detailed, annual reports to Congress on actions filed against the agencies. Yes. Passed 420-0, under suspension of rules. 10/2/01.

409. H.R. 2559, to exempt from state and local taxes the premiums paid by federal employees for private insurance under the Long-Term Care Security Act and allow federal retirees who defer their annuities to participate in the insurance program. Yes. Passed 406-1, under suspension of rules. 10/30/01.

410. H.R. 2910, to designate a U.S. postal facility in Petersburg, Virginia, as the "Norman Sisisky Post Office Building" in honor of the late congressman who represented that area. Yes. Passed 405-0, under suspension of rules. 10/30/01.

413. H.R. 2590, to agree to the conference report to provide $32.8 billion in FY 2002 appropriations for the Treasury Department, the United States Postal Service, the Executive Office of the President, and certain independent agencies. Yes. Passed 339-85. 10/31/01.

449. H.R. 1259, Computer Security Enhancement Act to require the National Institute of Standards and Technology to provide assistance to federal agencies in the protection of computer networks, promote federal compliance with computer information security and privacy guidelines, and assist federal response efforts to unauthorized access to federal systems. Yes. Passed 391-4, under suspension of rules. 11/27/01.

478. H.R. 3129, to authorize appropriations of $5 billion for two years through September 30, 2003, for the United States Customs Service to fund its automation computer system, border protection equipment to fight terrorism and illegal drugs, and cybersmuggling program to help stop child pornography;, and for the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative and U.S. International Trade. Yes. Failed 256-178, under suspension of rules (2/3 vote required). 12/6/01.

484. H.R. 3282, to designate the "Mike Mansfield Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse" in Butte, Montana, in honor of the late Sen. Mike Mansfield. Yes. Passed 401-0, under suspension of rules. 12/11/01.

499. H.R. 3379, to designed the "Raymond M. Downey Post Office Building" in Deer Park, New York, in honor of the fire chief who served 39 years as a New York City fire fighter and was killed in the September 11 terrorist attack. Yes. Passed 393-0, under suspension of rules. 12/18/01.