Tell Congress to give the U.S. a fair chance to sell more to Russia!

As of August 2012, Russia has joined the World Trade Organization (WTO), agreeing to abide by new rules to open its markets. For the United States to take advantage of this, however, Congress needs to immediately pass Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) with Russia.

Failure to do so will result in U.S. companies and workers missing out on opportunities that foreign competitors will enjoy in one of the fastest growing markets in the world.

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7 out of 10 favor Congressional action to allow U.S. businesses to sell more to Russia (The Winston Group, May 2012).

New U.S. Export Growth and Job Opportunities

Russia is the newest nation to join the World Trade Organization (WTO). For U.S. companies and workers to fully benefit from Russia's joining the WTO this summer and, as a result, export more to Russia, Congress needs to pass PNTR legislation.

With a population of 142 million, and a large and growing middle class, Russia holds great potential for U.S. companies and workers to export more goods and services. Russia is now the world's 9th largest economy, yet the United States and Russia lack a significant trade relationship. Outdated Cold War-era laws currently restrict more significant U.S. trade with Russia. Seventy percent of Americans favor Congressional action to update these laws to allow U.S. businesses to sell more to Russia.

Top 10 Sources of Russian Imports

64% favor greater trade relationship with Russia with Russia's membership into the WTO (The Winston Group, May 2012).

Fair Rules and Treatment for U.S. Companies

Now that Russia is a member of the WTO, it - like all WTO member nations - can benefit from lower tariffs, greater market transparency, protection of intellectual property rights and use of the WTO's dispute resolution processes to ensure Russia plays by the rules. The economic benefits, however, are not automatic for the United States, and are enforceable only if Congress passes legislation establishing PNTR with Russia.

Highest Russian Import Tariffs for Select Products

Take Action! Tell Congress to pass PNTR with Russia. Take Action Now!

Level The Playing Field

This August, Russia became the newest member of the WTO. Congress must now pass PNTR so U.S. companies and workers enjoy the same market access and other benefits of Russia's joining as their foreign competitors do. Failure to act will put U.S. companies and workers at a competitive disadvantage and thereby negatively impact U.S. exports and jobs. Seventy percent of Americans say Congress should update Cold War-era laws to allow for increased trade between the United States and Russia (The Winston Group, May 2012).

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