U.S. Congressman Dave Camp | In The News
District Update | May 15, 2012
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U.S. Congressman Dave Camp

Highlights from the House: National Security Protected from Sequester
House GOP Thwarts Devastating Cuts to National Security, Senate and President Remain Silent

Last week, the House passed a measure to prevent devastating cuts to national security programs scheduled for 2013 by replacing the blunt cuts outlined in the Budget Control Act with more common sense reductions in spending that allow Congress to meet saving targets outlined in the law without harming U.S. national security.  The House action  once again demonstrates how Congressman Dave Camp and his colleagues in the House are leading the way with solutions that address our nation’s fiscal challenges in a sound and responsible manner.

Unfortunately, they seem to be going it alone.  As the Washington Post wrote recently, "the President’s studied disinterest in the topic is disturbing."  Rather than providing their own input, the president and his party do not appear willing or prepared to offer a plan to protect our nation while taking steps to reduce spending.  With the President’s failure of leadership and the Senate’s inaction, U.S. national security could take suffer a devastating setback in 2013.  The time for the President and Senate to act is now, not later, to ensure our servicemen and women on the front lines have the resources necessary to keep America safe.



Kathleen Strottman (Executive Director for the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute) appeared on "Washington Notebook" with Congressman Camp. View the discussion here.

Study Confirms True Costs of the Democrats’ Health Care Law
Reaffirming Congressman Camp's efforts to repeal the Democrats' health care overhaul, last week columnist George Will highlighted yet another way in which the law is already contributing to job loss and inhibiting economic growth.  Mr. Will’s piece focuses on the new medical device tax that will hit manufacturers in 2013 when they are faced with a new 2.3 percent excise tax on all U.S. sales of medical device products, which includes everything from tongue depressors to pacemakers. The law and the consequences of that $30 billion tax are already coming to the surface, forcing many employers to lay off workers, reduce investment here at home and move business ventures overseas. Job creators and employees alike are worried about whether the trend will continue as more and more provisions of the law take effect.  View a list of Republican-led efforts to repeal the law here.

National Foster Care Month

This May, Congressman Camp is proud to recognize National Foster Care Month. With more than 400,000 children and youth in foster care, he celebrates the opportunity to raise awareness for those whose voices too often go unheard and to honor the foster parents, family members, community members, and child welfare professionals who continue to make a meaningful difference in the lives of children.  To learn more, visit http://www.childwelfare.gov/fostercaremonth/

 May Constituent Hours Announced 
Congressman Camp announced monthly office hours will be held by his regional representatives in various locations around the 4th District to help residents in need of assistance with a federal agency.View times and dates here.
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