Table III Tool

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

93d Cong.  ↑  87 Stat.  ↑  Dec. 28, 1973  ↑  93–202 93–203 93–204
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
1–4 29 801 nt, 801, 802 Rep.
101–112 29 811–822 Rep.
121–135 29 823–837 Rep.
201–205 29 841–845 Rep.
211–216 29 846–851 Rep.
221 29 852 Rep.
231–237 29 853–859 Rep.
301–308 29 871–878 Rep.
311–318 29 879–886 Rep.
401–403 29 891–892a Rep.
411 29 893 Rep.
416–428 29 894–906 Rep.
431–439 29 907–915 Rep.
441–447 29 916–922 Rep.
450–469 29 923–941a Rep.
481–484 29 942–945 Rep.
501–505 29 951–955 Rep.
601–610 29 961–970 Rep.
701–706 29 981–986 Rep.
801–809 29 991–999 Rep.