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-Letter to Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano (10/13/10)

Immigration is a challenging issue that demands urgent federal action.  We must ensure that we remain a welcome and open country to visitors and legal immigrants while ensuring that our borders are secure and immigration laws are fully enforced.

I am opposed to amnesty and voted against the 1986 House immigration bill for that reason.  Indeed, the massive influx of illegal immigrants over the last two decades has shown that amnesty is not the solution and may, in fact, make the problem worse.  I believe that we must secure our borders and address the perverse incentives for illegal immigration before considering broader immigration reform.

I am a cosponsor of the bipartisan Secure America through Verification and Enforcement (SAVE) Act, which would increase the number of Border Patrol agents by 8,000 and create a pilot program to increase aerial surveillance, satellite and equipment sharing between the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense.  More recently, I have joined nearly 200 of my colleagues in signing a discharge petition on the bill to bring it before the full House for consideration.

Further, it would expand the existing Employment Eligibility Verification (E-Verify) program by requiring that all employers enroll within four years. This would ensure that all workers hired have a valid work permit.  This expanded program would begin with the federal government, federal contractors, and employers with over 250 employees.  Smaller businesses would begin using the system in a graduated manner.

The bill also would close existing loopholes that allow illegal immigrants to use the same Social Security number and would require information-sharing between the Department of Homeland Security, the Social Security Administration and the IRS.  Lastly, it would expedite the deportation of illegal aliens by expanding detention capacity and increasing the number of Federal District Court judges.

Ensuring a Legal Workforce

I voted for the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2012 which includes funding for the E-Verify program as well as prohibitions on federal agencies hiring those who have not been cleared through the E-Verify program.  

While not perfect, E-Verify is an important tool for employers to ensure that their workforce is legal. I firmly believe that employment verification is a critical component in preventing illegal immigration and was pleased that the president recently announced that all federal contractors will be required to use E-Verify.

President’s Executive Order on Deportations

The president recently issued an Executive Order that allows Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to provide deportation waivers and work permits to qualifying illegal immigrants. I cosponsored H.R. 6052, which would prohibit funding for the Obama Administration’s executive order.  Again, significant changes to immigration policy, like this action, should only be amended through the legislative process.

The recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Arizona’s immigration law upheld a section that requires enforcement officials to verify the immigration status of people they lawfully stop if suspected they are in the country illegally.  I have consistently supported the strict enforcement of immigration laws and believe that the government should work to find ways to make our borders more secure and to enforce laws already on the books. 

I also support 287(g) immigration enforcement partnerships, which allow local law enforcement to work with ICE agents to enforce immigration laws.  I am very concerned that the Obama Administration has been restricting the expansion of the 287(g) program, including denying an application from the Virginia State Police.