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Reaction of U.S. Rep. Judy Biggert to July Jobs Report

          Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Judy Biggert (R-IL-13th) today issued the following statement after the U.S. Department of Labor reported a loss of 131,000 jobs in the month of July, with the national unemployment rate remaining at 9.5 percent:

           “Two years ago this July, the unemployment rate stood 5.8 percent.  A year later it was 9.4 percent, and this July it stands at 9.5 percent, as 131,000 additional jobs were lost last month.  It’s hard to look back at two years of Washington taxing, spending, and borrowing without asking, ‘where are the jobs?’  Congress has yet to enact any serious plan to curb the out-of-control spending, and the policies coming from Washington – from finance to health care – have created even greater uncertainty among potential job creators who face new government mandates and a crippling tax hike in January. 

            “It’s time to turn things around -- now.  There are members, including myself, on both sides of the aisle willing to work together on commonsense proposals like the Small Business Assistance and Relief Act, which could ease uncertainty and help small businesses recover and begin hiring again.  But leaders in Congress need to start listen to the American people.  We need to cut the spending, pull back the job-killing tax hikes, and focus on policies that encourage private-sector growth.”

           “This Aril, I hosted a job fair in Romeoville where over a thousand job-seekers turned out to seek resume tips, career guidance, and new opportunities with the area’s top employers.  Some of the notes I got back from local residents who found jobs after months of searching were truly inspiring.  While Congress is out of session for the summer work period, I plan to keep my energies focused on jobs, and will host another job fair.  It will be held at the Orland Park Sportplex on September 14th from 10 am to 2 pm.  I encourage anyone seeking a job -- or even just looking to polish their resume –to come and take advantage of the resources, advice, and workshops we will have available.”

