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Biggert Wins House Support for Runaway Youth

           Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Judy Biggert (R-IL-13th) last evening secured House passage of a resolution recognizing and supporting runaway prevention efforts, including National Runaway Prevention Month.  Introduced by Biggert in September, the resolution is part of a national campaign to raise awareness of the circumstances and needs of runaway and homeless youth.  It also expresses support for the efforts of organizations serving at-risk children, including the Chicago-based National Runaway Switchboard (NRS), the National Network for Youth, and local organizations like DuPage Public Action to Deliver Shelter (PADS).
           “Between 1.6 and 2.8 million youth run away from home each year,” said Biggert, Co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus on Missing, Exploited and Runaway Children.  “Far too often these children have lost a parent or are fleeing from abuse only to face fear, hunger and exploitation on the streets.  They desperately need a helping hand to guide them into a more stable, safe environment.  Organizations like the National Runaway Switchboard and DuPage PADS provide these critical support services to our nation’s most vulnerable children, and National Runaway Prevention Month is an opportunity to honor their efforts and raise awareness on Capitol Hill and around the country about this growing problem.”
           Biggert’s resolution, H.Res. 779, passed with unanimous support by a vote of 341 to 0.  A similar resolution offered by Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL) also received unanimous support in the Senate in October.  The resolution “recognizes and supports the importance of runaway prevention,” including to “increase public awareness of the life circumstances of youth in high-risk situations, and the need for safe, healthy, and productive alternatives, resources, and support for youth, families, and communities.” 
           “The National Runaway Switchboard applauds Congresswoman Biggert’s leadership,” said Maureen Blaha, Executive Director of the National Runaway Switchboard.  “She is a stalwart voice for runaway, homeless, missing and at-risk youth.  The resolution is an opportunity to highlight the silent runaway crisis and begin a runaway prevention education dialogue.  Congresswoman Biggert’s passion draws attention to the issue and promotes resources for families in crisis, including the National Runaway Switchboard’s 1.800.RUNAWAY 24-hour, free, confidential and anonymous hotline.”
           Among those issues highlighted by participating organizations was the increasing prevalence of homelessness among youth stemming from economic and financial pressures.  According to NRS, calls to its crisis hotline citing economic distress as a factor in a child’s situation have increased 200 percent since 2006.  The result in DuPage County has been an astonishing 43% increase over the previous year in the number of homeless children, according to DuPage PADS.
           "We support H.Resolution 779 to provide the much-needed prevention services for this high risk population,” said Carol Simler, Executive Director of DuPage PADS.  “These young men and women are our future.  Therefore, it is imperative that they are provided supportive services that will empower them to remain at home, prevent them from becoming homeless, and help them to lead productive lives in our community."
           Earlier this year, Biggert also help to secure passage of provisions in S.896, the Helping Families Save Their Homes Act of 2009, to broaden the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) definition of “homeless” so that more homeless children and families in involuntary and unstable living arrangements can access housing support services from which they were previously barred.  S. 896 was signed into law on May 20, 2009.
