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Biggert, House GOP Declares Earmark Moratorium

           Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Judy Biggert (R-IL-13) today issued the following statement after she and the entire House Republican Conference declared that they will adopt a unilateral moratorium on all earmarks, including tax and tariff-related earmarks:
           “Today, we took a bold step towards ending the culture of waste and runaway spending that Washington has come to symbolize.  Every year, legislative leaders dust off their reformer hats, and promise to root out waste or ‘drain the swamp’, and each year those promises fail to deliver.  This moratorium is an opportunity to press the reset button on how Congress makes spending decisions, and push through meaningful reforms that will actually lead to a reduction in spending, not just a rebranding of the same old outrageous habits. 
           “This is about leading by example, and showing Americans that House Republicans are ready, willing, and able to bring an end to the backroom dealing and special interest giveaways that have weakened Americans’ faith in Congress, and tainted major bills like the Senate health proposal.  But this is just a first step, and one that only directly impacts a fraction of Washington’s spending problem.  I am hopeful that some -- if not all – of my Democrat colleagues will embrace this change on a bipartisan basis.  And I know I join many of my House colleagues in demanding that Democrat leaders use the savings from our actions to cut the deficit, and not simply siphon away these dollars for their own political pet projects.  Americans deserve better, and they will accept no less.”
