Table III Tool

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

95th Cong.  ↑  92 Stat.  ↑  Sept. 18, 1978  ↑  95–370 95–372 95–374
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
1 629 43 1801 nt
101 630 43 1801
102 631 43 1802
201 632 43 1331
202 634 43 1332
203 635 43 1333
204 636 43 1334
205(a), (b) 640, 644 43 1337
205(c) 646 42 6213
206 647 43 1340
207 648 43 1343 Rep.
208 649 43 1344
208 652 43 1345
208 653 43 1346
208 654 43 1347
208 655 43 1348
208 657 43 1349
208 659 43 1350
208 659 43 1351
208 664 43 1352
208 666 43 1353
208 668 43 1354
208 668 43 1355
208 669 43 1356
301–314 670–685 43 1811–1824 Rep.
315 685 43 1811 nt Rep.
401 685 43 1841
402 686 43 1842
403 687 43 1843
404 688 43 1844
405 688 43 1845
406, 407 689, 690 43 1846, 1847 Rep.
501 690 16 1456a
502 692 16 1464
503(a)–(d) 692, 693 16 1456a
503(e), (f) 693 16 1464
504 693 16 1456
601 43 1861
602 694 30 237 Elim.
603 694 43 1862
604 695 43 1863
605 695 43 1864
606 43 1865
607 697 43 1348 nt Elim.
608 698 43 1866