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Thank you Chairman Langevin, CSIS, Commission Members, Co-Chairs Admiral Inman & Scott Chaurney.

Since September 11th, we have been focused as a nation on physical threats, but very little attention has been paid to threats from the virtual world or cyber attacks.

Yet, the threat of a Digital Pearl Harbor is not a theoretical fantasy, rather it is a reality.

Aurora, a recently declassified operation, revealed that with the click of a mouse our power grids could be destroyed shutting off power and crippling this nation.

These power grids are not the only critical infrastructure that could be compromised by a cyber attack.  Financial institutions could be hacked into and dollar amounts on the balance sheet could be moved around causing economic chaos.

These days virtual everything is controlled by computer networks and as a result they are vulnerable to cyber attacks.

Nuclear power plants, scada systems, dams, energy, and the aviation sectors could be attacked bringing this country to its knees.

Recently, the former Soviet Union launched a denial of service attack on the Nation of Estonia causing major disruption.

25 nations now have Cyber Warfare Programs.  This capability in the hands of a rogue nation or a terrorist would be devastating.

Recently, Mr. Langevin and I chaired hearings where it was reported that foreign intrusions into our federal networks including the Pentagon, State Department, DOD, and the Congress have taken place stealing large amounts of valuable information. 

Imagine if an agent of a foreign power was caught stealing paper files out of a physical office in the federal government -- it would captivate the media and the American people.  Yet everday this espionage takes place in the virtual world through Cyber attacks.

And everday corporations are blackmailed and extorted by criminal adversaries in the cyber world.

We can no longer afford to idly sit back.  Now is the time for action.

After holding hearings in Congress, I am pleased and honored to announce that today we are doing something to make a difference. 

This Commission taps into the brightest minds on the issue of Cyber Security.  It is a panel of experts that will tackle this challenge and provide recommendations for the next administration taking office. 

Most significantly, this is not a political exercise.  This issue is far too important for partisan agendas.  Rather this is a non-partisan Commission that will conduct a serious policy exercise to better protect this Nation from threats arising out of the cyber world.  And as a result, I am confident that its recommendations will garner the support of the next White House and the Congress.  And I'm proud to play a part in this historic moment.  Thank you.
